7 de Marzo, 2025

The Port of King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia tops the ranking of the world’s best ports under the Container Port Performance Index 2022. Salalah, Hamad, Yangshan, Khalifa, Tanger-Med, Ningbo, Jeddah, Guangzhou, Yokohama, Algeciras, Cartagena, Cai Mep, Dammam, Port Said, Shekou, Chiwan, Tanjung Pelepas, Djibouti, Buenaventura, Kaohsiung, Barcelona, Port

In 2021, the top five container exporters, accounting for nearly half of the traffic, were China, the United States, Vietnam, the Republic of Korea and Japan. China alone accounted for about 30%, according to UNCTAD data. In the United States, the boom in the trans-Pacific route reflected the

The importance of maritime logistics to trade and development has never been more evident than in the past year globally. Historically high and volatile freight rates, congestion, closed ports and new demands on shipping in the wake of Covid-19 and the Ukraine war have had a measurable impact

World shipping is expected to grow less in 2022, only 1.4%, compared to 2021, when it recorded a 1.4% increase, at an annual rate, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) projected. By 2022, UNCTAD expects maritime trade growth to moderate and by 2023-2027 to expand

The Peruvian cement market is basically composed of three groups and 2 other plants, according to Cementos Pacasmayo. The level of competitiveness of cement companies generally depends on their cost structure, which is a function of the cost of energy, fuel, raw material costs and transportation. In general,

Mexico selected 10 of the main objectives of its trade policy, according to a report by the World Trade Organization (WTO). Through the Sectoral Program for the Economy 2020-2024, Mexico is committed to developing and implementing comprehensive policies for innovation, diversification and productive and commercial inclusion; stimulating domestic

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