7 de Marzo, 2025

The essential raw materials for producing today’s electric vehicle batteries are lithium, nickel, cobalt, manganese and graphite, says a report released by the World Bank. Other raw materials are important for fuel cells (such as platinum), electric motors (rare earth elements) and the extension of power grids and

Wheat is the main food grain produced in the United States and its price recorded a quarterly average decline from July to September 2022, after reaching an all-time high. In the United States, wheat known as HRW traded at an average of $394.8 per ton from July to

U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai sent three lists of questions to the Mexican government on Mexican energy policies. Initially, Tai submitted two of these lists, but several of the questions were not answered or were partially answered. At the same time that there was disagreement from the U.S.

Mexico‘s Secretary of Economy, Raquel Buenrostro, informed that the ruling on the automotive panel between the members of the Mexico-U.S.-Canada Agreement (USMCA) will be announced in December. The USMCA essential parts requirement is currently subject to a dispute settlement procedure under Chapter 31 of the USMCA. Mexico and

The negotiations of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Mexico and Ecuador remain stuck due to lack of agreement on the opening of tuna, shrimp, financial services and bananas. «There are four issues that have not been concluded, we have not reached a single agreement, we are also

The port company SSA Mexico announced that it will operate two new Super Post-Panamax cranes at its TEC terminal in Manzanillo, Mexico. With this, the company will have a greater capacity to handle container vessels of up to 22,000 TEU’s. In compliance with its infrastructure expansion program to

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