24 de Octubre, 2024

Hong Kong, China, Mexico, the United Kingdom and Germany were, in descending order, the five largest exporters of silver in the world in 2023, according to data from the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Bank of Mexico (Banxico). Foreign sales of this metal from Hong Kong and

H2 Gambling Capital (H2) predicts global gross revenue from online sports betting games to grow from €69.8 billion in 2024 to €105.2 billion in 2027. H2 Consulting focuses on providing services on the global gaming and betting industry. Its projections also include that the global online casino gaming

Mexican media company Grupo Televisa operates 18 casinos in 13 Mexican states. In 2006, the company launched its former gaming business under the «Play City» brand, which consists of casinos and an online gaming site. Play City offers its customers slot machines, bingo, electronic roulette and other table

Como parte do crescimento do comércio eletrónico no México, os retalhistas estão a mudar cada vez mais do envio de encomendas para paletes, observou a Vesta. De acordo com as projecções da empresa alemã Statista, o comércio eletrónico no México registará um crescimento das receitas de vendas de

As part of the growth of e-commerce in Mexico, retailers are increasingly shifting to shipping packages instead of pallets, noted Vesta. According to projections by German firm Statista, e-commerce in Mexico will see sales revenue growth of 85% from 2021 to 2025. For Vesta, a leading Mexican industrial

Pemex’s oil production had a year-on-year increase of 5.1% in 2023, to 1,854,800 barrels on average per day in 2023. This increase resulted mainly from the development of the Maloob, Balam, Esah, Itta, Pokche, Teca, Tlalkivak, Tekel, Ayatsil offshore fields and the Quesqui, Tupilco Profundo, Cibix, Racemosa and

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