20 de Noviembre, 2024

Tea is the most widely consumed hot beverage worldwide and the most widely consumed non-alcoholic beverage overall, according to statista.com. The Onlive Corporation notes that tea is especially important in Asia and Eastern Europe, as well as the UK, serving both for caffeine and hydration. In China, tea

The Chamber of Deputies of Mexico rejected this Sunday the electrical reform proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. While the vote resulted in 223 against and 275 votes in favor, 334 votes were required to pass the electricity reform. On September 30, 2021, the Executive sent to

In recent years, many power companies have prioritized the transition of their power generation assets to renewable energy sources, noted the company RCM Technologies. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that 38% of the electrical generation capacity of the United States will be made up of wind and

China seeks to protect many domestic industries through a restrictive investment regime, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) highlighted in a recent report. The Chinese economy grew 8.1% in 2021, partially driven by the low base effect in 2020. Total consumption, a combination of household (39% of GDP)

Mexico won a dispute settlement panel against Costa Rica on an avocado trade case within the framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Costa Rica breached its obligations under the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) by imposing unjustified restrictions on avocados

Alsea, FEMSA-OXXO and CMR dominate the restaurant industry in Mexico, according to a report from the US Department of Commerce. According to the National Chamber of Restaurants (Canirac), approximately 120,000 restaurants in Mexico closed in 2020 following closure due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Many of the restaurants that

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