25 de Octubre, 2024

Mexico gained market share in imports of products to Canada in 2023, having a better dynamism than the United States and China. Canadian imports from Mexico grew at a year-on-year rate of 9% to US$34.127 billion, according to Statistics Canada. In contrast, Canadian purchases from the United States

Auto exports from Mexico to Japan broke records in 2023, by registering a year-on-year growth of 18%, to 484 million dollars, according to data from that nation’s Ministry of Finance. These foreign sales increased from 290 million dollars in 2019 to 306 million in 2020 and then dropped

The Code for the Promotion of Women Entrepreneurs verbalizes a commitment to improve women entrepreneurs’ access to tools, resources and funding in the United Kingdom. The Code tasks signatory financial services organizations (currently 215) to promote female entrepreneurship in the following ways: designating a member of their senior

Aggregate demand in Mexico grew in 2023 for three consecutive years and above its historical average, mainly due to positive labor market conditions and business confidence to invest in the country, according to the Ministry of Finance (SHCP). Thus, in 2023 it increased by 4.0% annually, with positive

The social, political and economic implications of China‘s low fertility have attracted significant attention, particularly in 2023, when its total population was surpassed by India’s, according to a White House report. But low fertility is a global phenomenon and today even India‘s fertility is below replacement level. In

Between 2011 and 2017, ethanol trade between the United States and Brazil, the two largest ethanol producers and consumers in the world, was virtually tariff-free. However, between September 2017 and January 2022, Brazil imposed first a tariff-rate quota and then Mercosur‘s Common External Tariff (CET) of 20% on

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