25 de Octubre, 2024

What partnerships has the United States done to advance supply chain resilience? What follows in USTR’s response in this regard. The supply chain encompasses all processes and activities related to the production and distribution of goods and services. In 2023, USTR continued to work with interagency partners to

La décision du groupe spécial ACEUM sur les règles d’origine applicables au secteur automobile a fêté son premier anniversaire en janvier sans que les États-Unis ne se soient conformés aux mesures correspondantes conformément à la décision. Dans l’intervalle, le Mexique et le Canada n’ont pas décidé de mettre

The USMCA panel ruling on automotive rules of origin reached its one-year anniversary this January without the United States complying with the related measures pursuant to the ruling. In the meantime, Mexico and Canada have not decided to implement retaliation against the United States. On August 20, 2021,

In the case between Mexico and the United States on measures relating to genetically modified corn under the USMCA, Canada is involved as a third party. It is also known as transgenic corn. Third countries have the right to attend any hearing, to make written and oral submissions

What happened to the 139,000 collective bargaining agreements in Mexico? Most of them are no longer valid, according to the USTR of the United States. As a reminder, a collective bargaining agreement is a labor agreement between employers and unions that regulates aspects of the labor relationship such

The United States initiated the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) 13 times in 2023, requesting review by the government of Mexico for alleged denials of duties at various facilities. In addition, the United States and Mexico decided on four remedial courses during the period under review and the United

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