Of the total chicken sales in the United States, 90% is made in cuts, according to the Bachoco company. In fact, chicken is the protein most consumed in that nation, but unlike Mexico, it is sold mostly in cuts, frozen and with added value. In greater detail, the
The manufacturing sector received 40.6% of the total FDI that Mexico captured from January to June 2021, the Ministry of Economy reported this Friday. Other relevant sectors in that same indicator were the following: mining, 13.5%; financial and insurance services, 11.6%; transportation, 10.3%; commerce, 8.6% and temporary accommodation
The United States contributed 50.8% of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) received by Mexico in the first half of 2021, the Ministry of Economy reported this Friday. Then the following countries were located in terms of their share of the total FDI captured by Mexico: Spain, 9.1%; United
Mexico increased its FDI inflows 2.6% in the first semester of 2021, to 18,433.5 million dollars, the Ministry of Economy reported this Friday. As is usual with this statistic, the data will be adjusted when there is more information on the operations of that period. If the preliminary
The United States included gender provisions in seven trade agreements, according to a report by the White House Trade Representation (USTR). These trade agreements include “gender-related provisions” or address explicit gender-related considerations. For example, the FTA between the United States and Chile (art. 9, annex 9.1) was the
Air cargo volumes were stable at a high level in June, as in May, IATA reported. In relation to that trend, industry-wide freight ton-kilometers (CTK) increased 9.9% in June 2021 compared to the same month in 2019, a small improvement over the (revised down) increase of 8.5 %