Crude oil exports from Colombia to the world had a year-on-year drop of 23% in 2023, to US$12.435 billion. After reaching a record $27.644 billion in 2013, these sales have not exceeded $17 billion in the last nine years. In Colombia, the largest oil company is Ecopetrol, one
Mexico‘s fiscal contributions derived from foreign trade in 2023 totaled US$1.117.6 billion. Comparatively, the amount is 1.9% lower than the 2022 result. Within these contributions, 851,498 million pesos correspond to VAT, an indirect tax levied on the sale of goods and services in the country. In second place,
Germany, the United States and South Korea were the world’s leading importers of lithium-ion batteries in 2023. According to the World Trade Organization (WTO), German imports of this product grew at a year-on-year rate of 58% in 2023, to $22,805 million. In second place, U.S. imports were $18,750
Exports of fish, mollusks and crustaceans from Japan to China fell 42% in 2023, affected by restrictions related to a nuclear plant. According to data from Japan’s Ministry of Finance, this drop meant that exports totaled US$320 million. As a result, China moved from first to second place
The most commonly used tariffs in the World Trade Organization (WTO) are: ad valorem, applied, «pure nuisance», specific and Most Favored Nation (MFN). Most commonly used tariffs The following are their definitions: Ad valorem Calculated as a percentage of the price. Applied Duties that are effectively applied to
The U.S. government requested fewer restrictions on cheese imports to Mexico related to an Official Mexican Standard (NOM). Emphatically the United States made this request in the framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO), highlighting Mexico’s inaction. The case relates to the Procedure for conformity assessment of NOM-223-SCFI/Sagarpa