25 de Octubre, 2024

While all WTO members agree on the importance of updating current global rules on food and agriculture, they have different views on how best to do so and what to prioritize. WTO data show that trade in agricultural products nearly quintupled in the period 2000-2022, from $300 billion

At the upcoming 13th Ministerial Conference, the WTO‘s work to curb harmful fisheries subsidies is high on the agenda. Subsidies that are poorly managed or encourage overfishing can contribute to overexploitation of marine resources and environmental degradation. Some 260 million people depend directly or indirectly on marine fisheries

The United States, Hong Kong and Japan were the top markets for Chinese exports of smartphones in 2023. A smartphone is a mobile device that combines phone and computer functions. External sales of smartphones from China to the United States fell at a year-on-year rate of 8.5% to

Competition between América Móvil, owner of the Telcel brand, and Telefónica, owner of the Movistar brand, continues in Mexico, but both have lost market share in terms of the number of lines. According to the latest statistics from the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) corresponding to the last quarter

Mexico‘s Secretary of Economy, Raquel Buenrostro, held a virtual meeting with the representative of the USTR, Katherine Tai, to address shared concerns about steel trade in North America. During the meeting, both officials agreed that frank and direct dialogue is part of the success of the trade relationship

The largest markets for Pepsico, a multinational food and beverage company, were the United States, Mexico and Canada in 2023. Globally, this company’s revenues were US$91.471 billion last year, up 5.9% over 2022. Through its operations, authorized bottlers, contract manufacturers and other third parties, Pepsico manufactures, markets, distributes

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