In 2023, total container traffic as measured by the RWI/ISL index decreased 0.6 percent from the previous year, the WTO referred. This figure is very close to the WTO’s estimate for world merchandise exports (-0.6 percent). Apparently, the agency added, in January global traffic increased 6.2 percent compared
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is increasingly shifting to friendly economies, concludes a WTO analysis. To take into account: friend-shoring consists of deepening relationships and diversifying supply chains with a greater number of reliable trading partners to reduce risks to their economies. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
Purchases of durable goods are more dependent on credit, making them more vulnerable to interest rate fluctuations. Durable goods have a longer useful life, with a greater ability to withstand wear and tear, such as cars, furniture, washing machines, refrigerators, computers and televisions. According to a World Trade
China, the United States and Germany rank as the world’s top product exporters in 2023, according to a WTO report. At the top, China’s external sales fell 5%, at an annual rate, to $3.38 trillion. Mostly, Chinese exporting companies sold telephones, computers, electronic integrated circuits, automobiles, electric accumulators,
Colombia‘s GDP has grown steadily over the past six years, including growth rates of 11.0% and 7.3% over the past two years, respectively, according to FocusEconomics. FocusEconomics also expects the economy to grow at an average rate of approximately 2.5% per year from 2023 to 2027. Logistic Properties
In the last 20 years, trade between the European Union and Chile grew 150%, according to the European Commission. The European Union is Chile’s third largest trading partner and Chile is one of the largest partners of this block in Latin America. Additionally, the European Union is the