The social, political and economic implications of China‘s low fertility have attracted significant attention, particularly in 2023, when its total population was surpassed by India’s, according to a White House report. But low fertility is a global phenomenon and today even India‘s fertility is below replacement level. In
Between 2011 and 2017, ethanol trade between the United States and Brazil, the two largest ethanol producers and consumers in the world, was virtually tariff-free. However, between September 2017 and January 2022, Brazil imposed first a tariff-rate quota and then Mercosur‘s Common External Tariff (CET) of 20% on
Direct investment by Mexicans abroad fell at an interannual rate of 55.8% in 2023, to 6.429 billion dollars in 2023, according to information from the Bank of Mexico (Banxico). To take into account: direct investment abroad is compiled from a survey conducted by Banco de México to companies
The United States, Canada, China (including Hong Kong), the United Kingdom and Germany ranked at the top of the Kearney FDI Confidence Index 2024. This index is compiled from primary data from a Kearney survey of senior executives of the world’s leading companies. The survey was conducted in
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), remittances and exports broke records in Mexico in 2023, according to SHCP data. In general, although to a lesser extent, the external sector contributed to the growth of the Mexican economy last year. The largest inflow of foreign currency came from exports, mainly to
The United States Trade Representation (USTR) highlighted some of the customs barriers and trade facilitation-related barriers in Mexico. In their view, Mexico continues to provide insufficient advance notice of procedural changes, inconsistent interpretation of regulatory requirements at different border posts, and uneven border enforcement of Mexican standards and