28 de Octubre, 2024

The road freight transport should decrease to less than 75% in the European Union, increasing the share of rail and inland waterway transport, according to a new plan by the European Commission. The European Commission presented its «Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy» on Thursday, along with an action

The United States Representative on Trade Issues (USTR) is the President’s chief trade advisor, negotiator, and spokesperson on trade issues. The USTR is also responsible for developing and coordinating US policy on international trade, commodities, and direct investment, and overseeing negotiations with other countries. Currently, the incumbent is

Katherine Tai would be proposed by incoming president Joe Biden to be the head of the United States Trade Representation (USTR), replacing Robert Lighthizer, who currently holds that position. The United States Congress has legislative and oversight powers over trade matters; works with the executive branch, which negotiates

The USTR requested consultations with the Canadian government to avoid or initiate a dispute resolution panel under the USMCA. The United States Trade Representative, Robert E. Lighthizer, announced Wednesday that the United States is exercising its rights under the Agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada (USMCA)

Indonesia operates 11 regional free trade agreements (RTAs), reported the World Trade Organization (WTO). Indonesia has pursued a policy of increasing regional and international integration through economic-trade cooperation initiatives. Parallel to ASEAN commitments, this country maintains bilateral regional trade agreements with Pakistan (IP-PTA) and Japan (IJEPA). The more

In the third quarter of 2020, the economy best connected to the global liner maritime transport network, as measured by LSCI, was China. Singapore, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia and the United States of America followed in this UNCTAD ranking. Subregional leaders included: the United Kingdom, the Netherlands,

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