26 de Octubre, 2024

With the emergence in recent years of jobs associated with digital platforms, modalities such as teleworking or flexible working hours have become more established. Jobs associated with digital platforms have experienced significant growth in recent years, thanks to the expansion of technology and the digitization of various sectors.

Zenvia Inc, a company specialized in messaging and business communication solutions, highlighted that WhatsApp dominates the Brazilian market. WhatsApp is an instant messaging application owned by Meta Platforms (formerly known as Facebook). According to a survey conducted by Mobile Time in February 2023 called «Mensageria no Brasil» with

Mexico‘s Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) initiated an investigation to identify and, if applicable, determine the probable existence of barriers to competition and free concurrence, as well as possible essential inputs in the public railroad freight transportation market and its related services and rights. Created in 2013, Cofece

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) outlined some of the key advantages for U.S. exporters in Mexico, as well as their challenges. Among the first is that the U.S. and Mexican economies are highly integrated and Mexicans are familiar with U.S. trade practices and products. During 2022-2023 the

Auto parts production in Mexico will break a record in 2023, according to statistics and projections from the National Auto Parts Industry (INA). With updated data as of last October, INA predicts that auto parts production in Mexico will grow 17.1% in 2023, to 121.716 billion dollars. Within

The production of light vehicles in Mexico increased 14.2% at a year-over-year rate in 2023, reaching 3 million 779,234 units, Inegi informed this Tuesday. By production volume, General Motors led the ranking with 722,631 units, followed by Nissan (615,751 units), Stellantis (467,542 units) and Ford Motor (365,365 units).

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