27 de Octubre, 2024

Western governments’ spending on basic research and development (R&D) has declined sharply as a percentage of GDP since the 1980s, even as spending by emerging economies has risen steadily. «(This) is surprising and potentially instructive,» states a report by the World Trade Organization (WTO). Mexico is part of

The peso starts the session with an appreciation of 0.54%, trading around 20.04 pesos per dollar after hitting a low of 20.0114 pesos. The peso continues to gain ground along with most currencies amid a clear increase in risk appetite in global financial markets. This is because in

Mexico captured 396 million dollars of FDI in oil and gas extraction from January to September 2020, a reduction of 33.5% year-on-year, according to data from the Ministry of Economy. Several private sector oil and gas contractors that received contracts for land, shallow water and deep water projects

Members submitted an unprecedented number of notifications to the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee in 2019, according to statistics from the World Trade Organization (WTO). In total, Members submitted 3,337 notifications of new or amended measures, more than in any other year since 1995. This figure comprises

Walmart de México y Centroamerica reported that the Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) initiated an investigation against it for alleged monopolistic practices in the wholesale supply and distribution of consumer goods. In summary, Walmart de México y Centroamérica is one of the most important commercial chains in the

Maersk highlighted that the 2020 trans-Pacific peak season has created challenges for many ground logistics providers trying to keep up with import cargo volumes testing port and ground distribution infrastructure. As such, the company is actively working with the Long Beach, California-based Port Trucking Association, whose membership of

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