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Portada » Export Guide: Do you want more sales channels?

Export Guide: Do you want more sales channels?

18 agosto, 2021
En una guía de exportación difundida por el Departamento de Comercio de Estados Unidos se plantea la pregunta de: ¿Quiere más canales de venta? An export guide released by the United States Department of Commerce raises the question: Do you want more sales channels?

An export guide released by the United States Department of Commerce raises the question: Do you want more sales channels?

Today, that export guide exhorts, it is easier than ever for a company like yours, regardless of size, to sell goods and services around the world.

The following is the answer to the initial question:

The B2B and B2C online marketplaces offer virtual storefronts and a ready-to-go global army of shoppers.

They also offer payment solutions, and you can choose a Shippers who will handle the required documentation for you.

Shippers want to help make things easier, and many offer international business advice, freight forwarding and customs brokerage services, cost calculators, and in some cases financing.

To understand: brokerage is the commission that trade brokers receive on the operations they carry out.

Export guide

Plus, they’ll collect goods and documents from your back door and deliver them to almost any address in the world.

And you can track everything on their website.

Some e-commerce platforms will take care of shipping your products to one or more of their fulfillment warehouses located in major shopping centers around the world.

Because items are sold and shipped quickly to buyers, you can restock them by shipping larger quantities to fulfillment centers, generally at a lower cost than shipping one item at a time from your workplace in the United States.

Other options

The Commerce Department then asks a second question: Do you want even more sales channels? To which he responds:

If web-based sales and marketing are insufficient to satisfy your appetite for sales growth, you can attend trade shows in the United States where buyers from all over the world come to purchase American goods and services.

Show organizers will facilitate introductions to buyers, working with US government agencies to provide matchmaking services on the show floor.

These same government agencies can arrange for you to attend shows in other countries, where the connections and influence of your embassy network can save you time and money by generating new business.

Government agencies can find buyers for you and organize presentations in more than 100 countries.

Channels can include:

  • Direct to the end user.
  • Distributors in the country.
  • Provider to the United States government in a foreign country.
  • Your e-commerce website.
  • A third-party e-commerce platform where you manage compliance.
  • A third party e-commerce provider where they handle compliance.
  • Supplier to a large American company with international sales.
  • Franchise your business.

You are not limited to one of these channels. Today’s global trading system is ideal for smaller businesses that use more than one sales and marketing channel to sell in multiple foreign markets.

But most US exporters currently sell to the market of one country: Canada, for example.

And the smaller the company, the less likely it is to export to more than one country. For example, 60% of all exporters with fewer than 19 employees sold to one country’s market in 2005. Imagine the increase in bottom line if they could double the number of countries they sell to.