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FACLA, customs trust, upload assets

28 marzo, 2022
Al 31 de diciembre de 2021, el activo total del FACLA se ubicó en 81,530.7 millones de pesos, informó la SHCP. As of December 31, 2021, FACLA's total assets stood at 81,530.7 million pesos, reported the SHCP.

As of December 31, 2021, the total assets of the Public Trust to Manage the Consideration referred to in article 16 of the Customs Law (FACLA) of Mexico was 81,530.7 million pesos, reported the SHCP.

With this, this asset was 8.1% higher compared to 2020.

Meanwhile, total liabilities went from 31,000,280 pesos to 146,900 pesos.

Regarding cash flow, revenues increased 7.9% to reach 21,555.2 million pesos, due to the 11.2% increase in contributions.

On the other hand, expenses increased 73% and accumulated 15,429.6 million pesos.

Balance general Enero-diciembre, 2020-2021


The Tax Administration Service (SAT), a decentralized body of the SHCP, is responsible for applying tax legislation.

For the dispatch of foreign trade matters, the Mexican government has 49 customs offices whose main functions are to control the entry and exit of merchandise, execute surveillance in matters of health, migration and national security, as well as collect foreign trade taxes.

During the last quarter of 2021, in the FACLA an atypical increase was observed in the category of other expenses of the cash flow to meet the pending commitments of 2021 and 2022 of the trust created by the SAT «Administration and Payment Trust (FAPA)”, previously settled by FIDEMICA.

Flujo de efectivo Enero-diciembre, 2020-2021As of December 31, 2021, the total assets of the Public Trust to Manage the Consideration referred to in article 16 of the Customs Law (FACLA) of Mexico was 81,530.7 million pesos, reported the SHCP.

In 2020, the total collection of foreign trade contributions reported in the 49 customs was 870,018 million pesos, with a total of 17,330,409 operations, distributed in 21 border, 17 maritime and 11 interior customs.


Derived from the formalization of the Agreement for the Extinction of the Trust called «Program for the Improvement of Information Technology and Control Means of Customs Authorities» (FIDEMICA) signed on June 30, and given that its assets were concentrated in TESOFE, the SHCP no longer has information to report.

The SAT also operates the service platform Single Window for Mexican Foreign Trade (VUCEM), which allows taxpayers to send information electronically, through a web page, to carry out foreign trade procedures, as well as consult information for customs and statistics. of foreign trade, such as collection in cash flow and number of operations by customs.


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