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FDI in Mexico is triggered by Televisa-Univisión and Aeroméxico

24 mayo, 2022
México aumentó 64% sus entradas de Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED) en el primer trimestre de 2022. Mexico increased its Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows by 64% in the first quarter of 2022.

Mexico increased its Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows by 64% in the first quarter of 2022, benefiting from the merger of Televisa-Univisión and the restructuring of Aeroméxico.

FDI arrivals to the country were 19,427.5 million dollars of FDI from January to March 2022, an advance of 63.7% compared to preliminary figures for the same period in 2021.

In January-March 2022, extraordinary FDI movements were carried out, related to the merger of Televisa with Univisión and the restructuring of Aeroméxico, which together represent 6,875 million dollars.

Without considering the movements mentioned above, FDI in the first quarter of 2022 is 5.8% higher than the preliminary amount captured in the same period of 2021.

When considering the merger of Televisa with Univisión and the restructuring of Aeroméxico, the preliminary FDI captured in January-March 2022 increased 63.7% compared to preliminary figures for the same period in 2021.


As usual with this statistic, the data will be adjusted when there is more information on the operations of that period.

The FDI figures were reviewed jointly by the Ministry of Economy and Banco de México, and will be included in the latter’s Balance of Payments Report.

The preliminary figures available to date indicate that from January to March 2022, 19,427.5 million dollars were received, net result by company or trust, of the difference of 24,313.3 million registered as inflows and 4,885.8 million in outflows.

Preliminary FDI registered to date for January-March 2022 came from: 1,807 companies with foreign capital participation; 1,306 trust contracts; and, 15 foreign legal entities.

In addition, it is integrated as follows:

  • By type of investment (origin of financing): through reinvestment of profits, 47.7%; for new investments, 45.2%; and, for intercompany accounts, 7.1 percent.
  • By sector: manufacturing, 24.2%; information in mass media, 19.4%; financial and insurance services, 17.2%; transportation, 15.3%; construction, 7.3% and mining, 5.8 percent. The remaining sectors captured 10.8 percent.
  • By country of origin: United States, 39.1%; Spain, 10.8%; Canada 7.1%; France, 3.4%; Argentina, 3.2%; and the United Kingdom, 3.0%, other countries contributed the remaining 33.4%.

The methodology for determining FDI is based on international standards, contained both in the Balance of Payments Manual of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and in the Framework Definition of Foreign Direct Investment of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) .


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