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Portada » Ferromex: railway locomotives and freight units derailed

Ferromex: railway locomotives and freight units derailed

15 junio, 2021
El gobierno de México informó sobre los avances en la construcción de los principales proyectos de la industria ferroviaria del país. The Mexican government reported on progress in the construction of the country's main railroad industry projects.

Ferromex reported a derailment of locomotives and cargo units in the early morning of this Tuesday, in the town of Mazatepec, municipality of Tala, in Jalisco.

The Ferromex accident involved the derailment of two locomotives and 12 rail freight units.

Likewise, the derailed units reached homes that invaded the concessioned right-of-way, the security strip that covers at least 15 meters lateral to the roads, where unfortunately one person lost his life.

Grupo México Transportes, a subsidiary of Grupo México, reported that emergency services and Ferromex workers immediately moved to the scene.

In collaboration with the authorities, the investigation of probable acts of vandalism as the cause of the accident was initiated, which occurred in a region repeatedly affected by actions of this nature against the railways.


So far this year, there have been at least 39 acts of theft or vandalism against the railway infrastructure in the area.

«Grupo México Transportes reaffirms its call to preserve the security zone that the law establishes as the right of way and to avoid acts that affect the proper and safe operation of the railway,» the company said in a statement.

Las operaciones de la División Transporte se integran en GMéxico Transportes (GMXT), de la cual Grupo México mantiene 69.96 por ciento.

Por su parte, GMXT es la compañía controladora de 74% de Grupo Ferroviario Mexicano (GFM), propietaria de 100% de Ferromex y de 100% de ITF, propietaria a su vez de 100% de Ferrosur.

El 26% restante de GFM lo mantiene Union Pacific.