6th of March, 2025

Portada » Fertilizer production: Mexico allocates an investment of 2,685 million pesos

Fertilizer production: Mexico allocates an investment of 2,685 million pesos

17 septiembre, 2021
Al cierre de 2020 el presupuesto de inversión del gobierno federal de México en fertilizantes alcanzó 3,340 millones de pesos y para el ejercicio 2021 se tienen alrededor de 2,685 millones de pesos aprobados. At the end of 2020, the investment budget of the federal government of Mexico in fertilizers reached 3,340 million pesos and for the year 2021 there are around 2,685 million pesos approved.

At the end of 2020, the investment budget of the federal government of Mexico in the fertilizer production reached 3,340 million pesos and for the year 2021 there are around 2,685 million pesos approved.

What facts are in the context of investment in fertilizer production?

To begin with, on December 2, 2020, the Pemex Board of Directors authorized the termination of Pemex Fertilizantes and its merger with Pemex Transformación Industrial, as of January 1, 2021, in accordance with the termination declaration published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) on January 27, 2021.

As part of the strategies implemented by Pemex Fertilizantes to guarantee the supply of 80 million cubic feet per day (MMcfd) of natural gas (raw material) and based on the support of the Ministry of Energy, Cenagas and Pemex Industrial Transformation, on December 4 In 2019, a natural gas purchase and sale contract was signed with CFEnergía, which allowed Pemex Fertilizantes to have the raw material necessary for the operation of an ammonia plant in Cosoleacaque.

As of December 7, 2019, the reception of gas began through the aforementioned contract, for the start-up work of an ammonia plant in the Cosoleacaque Petrochemical Complex.

Fertilizer production

Then, in February 2020, ammonia production began at the Cosoleacaque Petrochemical Complex plant, reaching an accumulated volume, at the end of December 2020, of 136,351 tons of anhydrous ammonia and 282,674 tons of carbon dioxide.

On March 1, 2021, it resumed ammonia production at the Cosoleacaque Petrochemical Complex after the maintenance stoppage in January and February; the accumulated production until June 30, 2021, was 94,456 tons of anhydrous ammonia and 169,035 tons of carbon dioxide.

In aspects of restoring the mechanical integrity of the ammonia production, transportation and storage facilities, 12 out of 20 scheduled critical risks have been addressed.

Finally, in support of the Federal Government’s “Sembrando Vida” program included in the National Development Plan, Pemex, through its subsidiary Grupo Fertinal, signed a collaboration agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader) for the fertilizer supply. In this framework, in 2019, it participated in the Sembrando Vida pilot program in the state of Guerrero.