14th of March, 2025

Portada » Fonatur postpones bid decision for Section 5 of the Maya Train

Fonatur postpones bid decision for Section 5 of the Maya Train

1 septiembre, 2020
The National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) deferred the issuance of the decision of the public tender for the highway project of Section 5 Cancun-Tulum of the Mayan Train "in order to deepen the analysis of the economic proposal presented."

The National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) deferred the issuance of the decision of the public tender for the highway project of Section 5 Cancun-Tulum of the Mayan Train «in order to deepen the analysis of the economic proposal presented.»

«Fonatur is committed to the legality of its hiring procedures,» he said.

The process is accompanied by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), which provides technical assistance to ensure compliance with the best international standards and good practices in management, tendering and infrastructure issues.


Said tender corresponds to the contest “Tulum-Cancún highway project (Federal Highway MEX-307 Agrarian Reform – Puerto Juárez) in its section Tulum – Playa del Carmen – Cancún Airport Junction, consisting of the modernization, rehabilitation, operation, conservation and maintenance of federal highway 307 in the sub-section of the connection from the Airport to Cancun to the access of the city of Playa del Carmen and the rehabilitation, operation, conservation and maintenance of the access of the city of Playa del Carmen to the access of the City of Tulum, in the state of Quintana Roo, for a period of 18 years ”.

Fonatur added that according to the communication published on the CompraNet system, the date of issuance of the ruling has been deferred to September 8 of the current year.