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Portada » Foreign Trade Compliant Company: 15 questions and answers

Foreign Trade Compliant Company: 15 questions and answers

25 septiembre, 2022
Mercado LTL do México: previsão

The Ministry of Economy (SE) of Mexico published 15 questions and answers related to the Foreign Trade Compliant Company (ECCE, by its Spanish acronym).

Compliant Company

These are the questions and answers:

1.- Who is the program aimed at?

It is aimed at companies established in Mexico that carry out foreign trade operations.

2.- Is the program applicable to Customs Brokers and their companies?

The program is aimed at companies that carry out foreign trade operations, however, the participation of Customs Brokers will be very important to promote and disseminate the program among the companies they work with.

3.- Is the program applicable to courier companies?

Yes, it is aimed at courier companies that carry out foreign trade operations.

4.- What do I need for my company to be considered for the pilot program?

You must send a free writing signed by the legal representative of the company, duly accredited, to the e-mail empresa.cumplida@economia.gob.mx, in which you state your interest in participating in the pilot, as well as expressly state your agreement to receive information and notifications related to the program, through the designated e-mail accounts, and attach the self-evaluation questionnaire, which can be downloaded from this microsite.


5.- What criteria will be taken into account for my company to be considered in the pilot? In the first phase of the pilot, we will mainly take into account the elements of risk analysis, foreign trade, tax and labor criteria, which are detailed in the self-assessment questionnaire.

6.- If my company does not comply with all the points indicated in the self-assessment questionnaire, will it not be considered in the pilot?

The elements whose fulfillment will be taken into account, fundamentally, in this first stage of the pilot for the selection of the 50 companies refer to those indicated in point 5 of this document. The objective is that the companies increase their level of compliance during the pilot.

7.- In the e-mail I send expressing my interest in participating in the pilot and the self-assessment questionnaire, should I attach any supporting documents?

No, when the desk review is carried out, in case it is considered necessary, the company will be asked for the missing information and/or documentation.

8.- What does the desk review consist of?

It consists of the review of the information recorded in the self-assessment questionnaire and, eventually, recommendations will be made or additional information and/or documentation will be required.

Pilot program

9.- When will the verification visits be carried out at the company’s facilities?

Verification visits will be carried out only if deemed necessary.

10.- What will be the benefits for the companies that are considered for the pilot and later in the definitive program?

The benefits are aimed at granting administrative facilities in foreign trade operations. These will be announced in a timely manner and will be published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

11.- How soon will the 50 companies selected to participate in the pilot program be known?

The results of the review of the applications are expected to be available before the end of the year. The companies will be notified through the e-mail address provided by them in their application and the list will be published in SNICE.

12.- How long will the pilot last?

The pilot will be valid for approximately one year.


13.- Once the certification is granted, will there be a renewal, and if so, how often would it be and would it have a cost?

Renewals could be every year or every two years and it is likely to have a cost, which will not be significant.

14.- Will the Foreign Trade Compliant Company program replace the Authorized Economic Operator certification or the Registration in the Company Certification Scheme in its VAT and IEPS modality? No. The Foreign Trade Compliant Company program will not replace any certification or program, it is independent and is aimed at granting benefits from various agencies.

15.- What elements should the risk analysis system consider?

The risk analysis must consider regulatory aspects, on its assets and processes, oriented to the whole company.


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