17th of March, 2025

Portada » GACM will help strengthen the Metropolitan Airport System in 2020-2024

GACM will help strengthen the Metropolitan Airport System in 2020-2024

14 diciembre, 2020
The Mexico City Airport Group (GACM) has among its objectives for 2020-2024 to strengthen the Metropolitan Airport System, according to a document released by the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT).

The Mexico City Airport Group (GACM) has among its objectives for 2020-2024 to strengthen the Metropolitan Airport System, according to a document released by the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT).

After canceling the New International Airport for Mexico City (NAIM) in Texcoco, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador gave instructions to develop an “Airport System for the Valley of Mexico” based on a document prepared by an engineer named José María Riobóo Martín .

This document was the basis of a new airport plan called Metropolitan Airport System (SAM) that the Mexican government announced in November 2019.

Within this framework, the SCT published on Monday the Agreement approving the Institutional Program of the Mexico City Airport Group in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

One of the priority objectives is «Strengthening the Metropolitan Airport System that meets the demand for airport services in the center of the country.»


The SCT argued that the country is in an important transformation process that implies complying with the constitutional and collective mandates, all of them aimed at seeking the general welfare of the population.

Under this approach, the strategic guidelines of GACM make a change of direction to focus the efforts of the entity in the development and direction of the SAM and, at the same time, it will lead to the combination of various airport infrastructures to meet the demand for services airports in the center of the country.

“In this transformation process, GACM seeks that its actions under a differentiated approach are based, among others, on the guiding principles of leaving no one behind, leaving no one out, honesty and honesty; with this, its commitment is aimed at contributing to an equal regional development”, said the SCT.

The SCT seeks to develop and strengthen the transportation infrastructure for the period 2020-2024, an objective to which GACM will contribute day after day, by directing its resources and efforts to «develop and direct the SAM with quality, effectiveness and efficiency, which generates synergies. for the benefit of society «.

In this context, GACM is working to launch an airport system in the central region of the country, which once established, the institution will be in charge of directing its operations to meet its objectives and will seek to maximize the potential of the airports that serve it make up.


Thus, the SAM is projected to provide services in the long term, so its development and direction proposes a long time horizon for air traffic management, air navigation, airport infrastructure, harmonization of processes and use of technology, all in order to provide effective, efficient and quality service to users.

As part of the achievement of the priority objective aimed at strengthening the SAM, a diagnosis will be carried out to know the current state of the existing infrastructure in the AICM and the AIT.

To this end, the SCT will promote the review of the capacity of the AICM and AIT in order to satisfy the growing demand for airport services, as well as to comply with their service and security standards.

In the understanding that the AICM is the main airport in the country in terms of size and operation, moving 32% of passengers and 54% of total merchandise; the objective will be to improve its infrastructure and, in turn, service levels in the short and medium terms.