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Portada » Germany: local and digital innovation ecosystems

Germany: local and digital innovation ecosystems

6 julio, 2022
Alemania, a través de Make-IT, apoya la creación de ecosistemas de innovación local y digital para el desarrollo inclusivo y sostenible en los países socios. Germany, through Make-IT, supports the creation of local and digital innovation ecosystems for inclusive and sustainable development in partner countries.

Germany, through Make-IT, supports the creation of local and digital innovation ecosystems for inclusive and sustainable development in German Development Cooperation partner countries, thus enabling local actors to participate in the global economy.

Broadly in line with the World Trade Organization (WTO), the regional Make-IT in Africa program believes in the catalytic power of African innovation and digital technologies for green and inclusive development.

In close collaboration with digital visionaries, such as start-ups, innovation enablers and policy partners, the project empowers African innovation ecosystems.

African digital visionaries develop innovative digital solutions that can have a significant impact on the lives of people and their environment.

For example, these solutions are used to make cities, healthcare systems and agricultural supply chains more sustainable and accessible.


On the road to breakthrough, they face challenges such as access to skills and markets, as well as a lack of networks and enabling conditions.

Make-IT in Africa believes that only a collaborative and systemic approach can overcome these obstacles.

Together with partners from the public and private sector, civil society and universities, a solid foundation for digital innovation is created by empowering innovation ecosystems.

The common goal is to make these innovation ecosystems future-proof, to build a resilient environment for digital visionaries and their partners.

In this way, they can create impactful change in Africa: socially, environmentally and economically.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is implementing the project on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with a pan-African focus.

After a successful first phase, the project entered its second phase in October 2020 and is scheduled to run until the end of April 2024.

The total project volume is €23.8 million.

GovStack, together with Estonia, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL), the EU Commission, Smart Africa, as well as the World Bank, GSMA and SAP, BMZ is cooperating to digitize public administration in the partner countries.

By specifying and developing open and interoperable ICT building blocks, such as components for digital identities (identification and authentication) or electronic payment services, GovStack promotes digital public assets and infrastructures.

In doing so, it expands secure access to digital services and thus supports more inclusive and citizen-centric societies.


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