The industrial branch of glass manufacturing in Mexico attracted 608 million dollars in 2020 from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), according to data from the Ministry of Economy.
This industry comprises establishments mainly dedicated to the manufacture of glass and/or glass products.
Whether melting sand or silica glass, or purchasing glass, establishments in this industry can make glass and/or glass products.
As examples, this industry includes establishments that are dedicated to the manufacture of flat glass, glassware, beer bottles, food and beverage containers, bricks, Christmas tree decorations, kitchen utensils, cut glassware, automotive glass, artifacts lighting and framed mirrors (except for automobiles).
Since 2016, glass manufacturing in Mexico had not captured such a high level of FDI.
Before, the historical maximum was reached in 2014, with FDI inflows of 2.282 million dollars in the manufacture of glass.
Glass manufacturing
In Mexico, the automotive industry stands out, with a competitive production of cars and trucks.
The beverage industry is also notable, both for soft drinks for domestic consumption, as well as for beers and tequila, the same for the domestic market as for the export market.
Another relevant industry is the food industry, with important productions of mayonnaise, mole, chili peppers, jams and coffee, among other merchandise.
In December 2014, Constellations Brands acquired a state-of-the-art glass production plant that is located adjacent to its Cervecería Nava, in Mexico.
The glass plant currently has five operational glass furnaces that supply approximately 55% of the total annual supply of glass bottles for its Mexican beer brands.
Constellations Brands also has long-term glass supply agreements with other glass producers.
Between 2016 and 2020, glass manufacturing attracted FDI flows of $ 221 million on an annual average.