6th of March, 2025

Portada » Grupo Bafar plans to be a leader in pecan nuts

Grupo Bafar plans to be a leader in pecan nuts

28 abril, 2022
La división agropecuaria de Grupo Bafar vendió poco más de 424 toneladas de nuez pecanera en 2021. The agricultural division of Grupo Bafar sold just over 424 tons of pecan nuts in 2021.

The agricultural division of Grupo Bafar sold just over 424 tons of pecan nuts in 2021, an increase of 21% compared to the sales volume of 2020.

Even better, over the next five years, Grupo Bafar expects pecan production to reach just over 3,000 tons, which would position the company as one of the largest pecan producers in North America.

On the other hand, the company managed to complete the construction and start-up of a walnut sorter, which required an investment of more than 60 million pesos for the total automation in the selection, cleaning and drying of up to 20 tons per day.

Resultados financieros de la empresa

This important investment, as well as the automation of the irrigation systems, allow the company to have one of the most automated pecan ranches in North America.

Also during 2021 Grupo Bafar managed to conclude with the successful contribution to Fibra Nova of just over 1,600 hectares of walnut trees planted under a 15-year lease, making the company the first to make a contribution of this nature in exchange for stock certificates. that are listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange under the Fibra regime.

Grupo Bafar

In general, the company is one of the leading producers and marketers in Mexico of animal protein products, including deli meats, packaged meats, pre-cooked meals, cuts of meat, and value-added lines (chicken, pork, beef and fish products). with an additional process such as: breaded, stuffed, marinated and cubed).

Likewise, it produces and uses its distribution network to market prepared meals, pasta salads, as well as bread, dairy products and other complementary products in Mexico.

The company sells its products through more than 26 brands with high market recognition in Mexico, through points of sale with active shelf management throughout the national territory and that are associated with high quality, freshness and price/quality ratio.

The segmentation of the type of product and sales channel through all socioeconomic and demographic levels, the focus on consumer preferences and distribution capabilities, added to the unique concept of own stores (retail), have allowed Grupo Bafar to become in one of the main players in the market for processed meat products in Mexico.

Among its most recognized brands are Sabori, Parma, Bafar and Burr, Grillers, and Guisy.


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