9th of March, 2025

Portada » Grupo Carso makes progress on Dos Bocas-related contracts

Grupo Carso makes progress on Dos Bocas-related contracts

18 agosto, 2022
Grupo Carso ha avanzado en diversos contratos que tiene relacionados con la refinería de Dos Bocas. Grupo Carso has made progress on several contracts related to the Dos Bocas refinery.

Grupo Carso has advanced in several contracts it has related to the Olmeca refinery in Dos Bocas, whose first partial operations began on July 1, 2022.

On that date, the Ministry of Energy inaugurated the Olmeca refinery in Dos Bocas, Tabasco (Mexico), for test work, and the site is expected to process 340,000 barrels per day of crude oil, producing 170,000 barrels per day of gasoline and 120,000 barrels per day of low-sulfur diesel.

On the one hand, in January and February 2021, Operadora Cicsa signed 10 contracts with Ica Fluor Daniel, for the supply of 320 heat exchangers and air coolers for the Dos Bocas refinery, for an amount of 100 million 136,000 dollars, with maturity in September 2022. As of June 30, 2022, the project is approximately 95 percent complete.

Operadora Cicsa is a subsidiary of Carso Infraestructura y Construcción, which in turn is a subsidiary of Grupo Carso.

On the other hand, in August and September 2020, Operadora Cicsa signed two contracts with PTI Infraestructura de Desarrollo, for the supply of process equipment for the Dos Bocas refinery, for amounts of 14,852 and 1,889, with original maturities in September 2021, at June 30, 2022, a modification agreement is in the process of being reviewed to extend the maturity terms due to setbacks not attributable to the entity and at that same date there is a 95% progress in both contracts.

Also contemplated for the Dos Bocas project is an extension of the Guadalajara plant in the Pueblo Viejo yard and, with this, increase the number of contracts for the manufacture of containers and coolers.

Grupo Carso

In June and May 2021, the company received purchase orders for US$7,374,000 and US$6,936,000 from Techint for 10 and 40 heat exchanger vessels, respectively, for the Dos Bocas refinery.

Deliveries are scheduled to begin in April 2022 and conclude in September 2022. As of June 30, 2022, they show progress of 73%, corresponding to engineering progress, purchase of main materials and manufacturing progress.

Also, in February 2021, a US$11 million purchase order was received from Samsung Ingeniería Manzanillo for 32 heat exchangers for the Dos Bocas refinery. Deliveries are scheduled to begin in November 2021 and conclude in August 2022. As of June 30, 2022, the project is approximately 93 percent complete.

Finally, during the first quarter of 2021, orders have been received from Ica Fluor Daniel for an additional package of 82 equipment including vessels, heat exchangers and solaires for the Dos Bocas refinery, for an amount of US$25,270,000. Deliveries are scheduled for the first quarter of 2022 with maturity in September 2022. As of June 30, 2022, 80 percent progress has been made.


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