Grupo Carso and FCC Construcción won the tender to build Section 2 of the Maya Train.
The National Tourism Promotion Fund (Fonatur) awarded the consortium made up of Cicsa and FCC a contract for the Supply of materials and construction of the platform and track of the Maya Train, corresponding to the Escárcega-Calkiní section, for an amount of 18,553.7 million pesos .
Likewise, the contract includes 1,676. 2 million pesos for 5 years of maintenance and 16% VAT.
CICSA participates with 50% and FCC with 50 percent. The start of the work is subject to the signing of the respective contract.
Approximately, Section 2 of the Mayan Train route covers 235 km, going from Escárcega to Calkiní in the state of Campeche.
«The priority projects of the Government of Mexico will continue as measures to mitigate the economic consequences of COVID-19. In this sense, the Maya Train is established as one of the most important infrastructure works and a key trigger for employment and development in the south-southeast of Mexico, «Fonatur said in a statement.
The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) carried out an independent analysis – and in parallel – to the proposal review process carried out by Fonatur, and expressed its agreement according to international standards.
Maya train
Fonatur said that the offer made by this consortium meets the formal and eligibility criteria established in the tender specifications. In qualification criteria, it complies with the legal and administrative requirements, has the required capacity, technical and financial experience.
Regarding technical criteria, this consortium ranked as the best technical offer in the areas: quality of work, capacity of the bidder, experience and specialty of the bidder, fulfillment of contracts and national content and labor.