6th of March, 2025

Portada » Grupo Lala builds 2 water treatment plants

Grupo Lala builds 2 water treatment plants

4 mayo, 2022
Grupo Lala continúa con la construcción de dos nuevas plantas de tratamiento de agua residual. Grupo Lala continues with the construction of two new wastewater treatment plants.

Grupo Lala informed that it continues with the construction of two new wastewater treatment plants in the Laguna Industrial Complex and the Irapuato Industrial Complex, in Mexico.

These treatment plants will have the capacity to process 14 and 30 liters of water per second, respectively, thanks to physical-chemical and biological processes.

In addition, the company will incorporate advanced technology to generate and recover biogas for its use in generating electricity for the operation of the La Laguna Industrial Complex, which will contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and become a self-sustaining plant.

In general, Grupo Lala promotes comprehensive waste management in all its facilities.

This methodology contemplates activities of identification, separation (using an internally established color code), quantification, treatment and continuous improvement.

Its waste management plans allow the company to properly dispose of them, always in accordance with the legal requirements that apply, prior to this, waste reduction, reuse and recycling strategies are applied throughout the company.

Grupo Lala

While the percentage of generation of hazardous waste from its food plants is 0.25%, the company has strategies directed so that all of this waste is used as alternative fuels and as reuse of chemical product containers by other companies.

Currently, Grupo Lala recycles 90% of its waste generated in production processes.

This has been done by the company thanks to the following actions:

  • Separation of your waste by type of material, with specific containers for each recyclable material, as well as logs of the output of by-products.
  • The efficient use of office resources is constantly promoted, including the recycling and reuse of sheets, envelopes, and folders, thus avoiding the unnecessary consumption of paper.
  • The company has adequate areas for the temporary storage of both urban solid waste, special handling and hazardous waste. Each one is separated from the rest and complies with applicable Mexican regulations, avoiding contamination of soil and water resources, always promoting their protection through order and cleanliness.
  • In all the affiliated companies of Grupo Lala that carry out operations, there is an institutional training program on environmental matters in the induction process, and covers issues of handling hazardous and special handling waste, issues of rational use of water and of energy.
  • The company actively seeks to encourage a circular economy culture in its operations, seeking to eliminate the sending of waste to landfills, for which we promote the reduction of the use of materials, the reuse of those that we can take advantage of again and the recycling of those that we can value.