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Portada » Grupo Lala increases its distribution routes in Brazil

Grupo Lala increases its distribution routes in Brazil

18 octubre, 2021
A través de Vigor, en Brasil, Grupo Lala cuenta con 22 centros de distribución, desde donde repartimos nuestros más de 360 SKUs divididos en las categorías de lácteos, comestibles, spreads y Leche UHT, en más de 1,750 rutas de distribución. Through Vigor, in Brazil, Grupo Lala has 22 distribution centers, from where we distribute our more than 360 SKUs divided into the categories of dairy, groceries, spreads and UHT milk, in more than 1,750 distribution routes.

Through Vigor, in Brazil, Grupo Lala has 22 distribution centers, from where it distributes its more than 360 SKUs divided into the categories of dairy, groceries, spreads and UHT milk, in more than 1,750 distribution routes.

These data were the same in 2018 and 2019, not the distribution routes, which in these two years were 1,600.

Vigor has a portfolio of high added value products, prepared to serve customers of classes A, B and C, in the consumer and food service market segments.

The main products that Vigor manufactures, distributes and markets are: UHT milk, dairy products, yogurts, fermented milk, cottage cheese, cheeses, butter, dairy drinks, fresh white cheeses, light cheeses, cream cheese, petit suisse type cheese and desserts.

Likewise, its portfolio includes: vegetable oil derivatives such as margarine, mayonnaise, vegetable creams, edible vegetable oils, juices, chocolate, dough, sauces, among others.

Distribution routes

Grupo Lala estimates that its refrigerated distribution network in Mexico is one of the most important and that, together with its operations in Brazil, the United States and Central America, it is one of the most extensive refrigerated distribution networks in Latin America.

At the end of 2020, the company operated 140 distribution centers in Mexico, 22 in Brazil and 10 in Central America; Its sales fleet amounted to more than 5,700 refrigerated trucks for distribution in Mexico and Central America and 675 units in the primary fleet.

Together, its distribution network serves more than 628,000 points of sale.

The delivery of refrigerated dairy products and pasteurized beverages is generally made on a daily basis, while the delivery of non-refrigerated products (mainly Ultrapasteurized Milk) is done two or three times a week.

Grupo Lala considers that it is important to deliver Pasteurized Milk on a daily basis, since consumers who buy this product in sundries or mini-super, also tend to make their purchases with this frequency.