14th of March, 2025

Portada » Grupo M?xico improves its transport indicators in 2020

Grupo México improves its transport indicators in 2020

9 febrero, 2021
Déficit comercial dos EUA com o México: recorde em 2024

Grupo México stated that it registered significant improvements in its efficiency indicators in 2020, due to the implementation of different actions to optimize its Master Service Plan.

The company said that this has allowed it to improve the quality of its service and the use of its assets.

To begin with, during the fourth quarter of 2020, the average length of Grupo México’s trains increased 5.1% compared to the same quarter of 2019, totaling 1,974 meters.

Second, gross tons per train increased 4.5%, to 6,329 tons per train.

This allowed Grupo México to transport more cargo with fewer trains, saving crews and freeing up rail capacity to continue improving speed.

Grupo México 

As a result of the above, crew departures decreased 6.9% during the quarter.

In addition, the company managed to reduce the dwell time by 30.1%, totaling 23.92 hours, and the average speed of the train remained at 38.10 km/h, similar to the fourth quarter of 2019.

During 2021, the company will focus on continuing with the implementation of its efficiency program so that «these indicators continue to improve.»

The company sells most of its transportation services through direct distribution channels.

Grupo México has a sales force dedicated to continuously contacting its customers.

In this way, it serves its clients by focusing on two areas: sales and marketing, which are divided into nine subsegments: agricultural, intermodal, minerals, automotive, chemical, energy, industrial, metallurgical, and cement.

Finally, its main suppliers of locomotives are GE Transportation Systems and Progress Rail Locomotive, and of rail cars are Trinity Industries and Greenbrier.

The main suppliers of track machinery and car parts are: Plasser & Theurer, Nordco, Harsco, Wabtec, Amsted and Brandt.

Likewise, Grupo México acquires the majority of the rail from Sumitomo, Steel Dinamics, Inc. and EVRAZ Rocky Mountain Steel, companies that meet its requirements and specifications.