12th of March, 2025

Portada » Grupo M?xico: No. 1 in paying taxes

Grupo México: No. 1 in paying taxes

2 febrero, 2022
Grupo México (GMéxico) es la primera empresa en pago de impuestos en ese país. Grupo México (GMéxico) is the first company to pay taxes in that country.

Grupo México (GMéxico) is the third largest company in Mexico in terms of market capitalization and trading volume, and the first company in paying taxes in that country.

In addition, it is number one in PTU payment in Mexico and Peru.

Today, Grupo México employs 29,700 direct employees and more than 110,000 indirect employees.

Likewise, Grupo México is the fifth largest copper producer in the world, with the lowest cash-cost in the industry worldwide and has the largest copper reserves in the world.

Grupo México

It is a holding company whose main activities are: mining, being one of the largest integrated copper producers worldwide; the most extensive rail service in Mexico; and engineering, procurement, construction and drilling services. These business lines are grouped under the following subsidiaries:

On the one hand, the Mining Division of GMexico is represented by its subsidiary Americas Mining Corporation (AMC), its main subsidiaries being Southern Copper Corporation (SCC) in Mexico and Peru, and Asarco in the United States.

Indicadores financieros de Grupo México

Todas las cifras están expresadas en dólares (“US$”) moneda de los Estados Unidos de América, bajo U.S. GAAP, excepto donde se indique lo contrario.
A efecto de que se observe el desempeño de nuestras operaciones, estamos incluyendo el concepto de utilidad antes de tenencia accionaria. La utilidad neta incluye la plusvalía / minusvalía de las acciones, así como su efecto en impuestos diferidos.The sum of both companies maintains the largest copper reserves in the world. SCC is listed on the New York and Lima Stock Exchanges.

SCC’s shareholders are, directly or through subsidiaries: GMexico (88.9%) and other shareholders (11.1%). It has mines, metallurgical plants and exploration projects in Peru, Mexico, the United States of America, Spain, Chile, Argentina and Ecuador. Asarco rejoined GMexico on December 9, 2009. It has 3 mines and 1 smelter in Arizona and 1 refinery in Texas.


On the other hand, the Transportation Division of GMexico is represented by its subsidiary GMexico Transportes (GMXT), its main subsidiaries being Grupo Ferroviario Mexicano (GFM), Ferrosur, (Ferrosur), Intermodal México, Texas Pacifico, LP, Inc and Florida East. Coast Railway Corp. «FEC».

The shareholders of GMXT are GMexico (69.5%), Grupo Carso Sinca Inbursa (16.4%) and other shareholders (14.1 percent).

Through its subsidiary Ferrocarril Mexicano (Ferromex), GFM is the largest and most extensive railway company in Mexico.

It has a network of 8,111 kilometers of roads that cover approximately 71% of the Mexican territory.

Ferromex lines connect at five border points with the United States of America, as well as at four ports on the Pacific Ocean and two with the Gulf of Mexico. Ferromex shareholders are GMXT (74%) and Union Pacific (26 percent).

Ferrosur has a network of 1,549 kilometers of roads that cover the central and southeastern part of the country, serving mainly the states of Tlaxcala, Puebla, Veracruz and Oaxaca, and has access to the ports of Veracruz and Coatzacoalcos in the Gulf of Mexico.

Ferrosur is controlled by GMXT with the (100 percent).

Headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, FEC provides rail services along Florida’s east coast and is the provider of service to South Florida ports: Miami, Everglades and Palm Beach, FEC provides services along approximately 565 km of owned rail, with connections to CSX and Norfolk Southern in Jacksonville, Florida. FEC is controlled by GMXT (100 percent).

Construction and energy

The Infrastructure Division is represented by its subsidiary Mexico Projects and Developments (MPD), with its main subsidiaries being Mexico Construction Company (MCC), Grupo Mexico Engineering Services (GMSI), Controller of Petroleum Infrastructure Mexico (PEMSA), Controller of Energy Infrastructure Mexico (CIEM) and Bajío Infrastructure Concessionaire (CIBSA).


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