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Portada » Grupo Televisa and Dish-MVS lose in restricted television in Mexico

Grupo Televisa and Dish-MVS lose in restricted television in Mexico

25 enero, 2023
Grupo Televisa y Dish-MVS pierden en televisión restringida en México. Grupo Televisa and Dish-MVS lose in restricted television in Mexico. Grupo Televisa et Dish-MVS perdent dans la télévision restreinte au Mexique.

Grupo Televisa and Dish-MVS lost share in the restricted television service in Mexico in 2021 compared to 2020, informed the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT).

On the one hand, Grupo Televisa’s coverage went from 64 to 62.4%, in that comparison.

Meanwhile, Dish-MVS’s share dropped from 9.8 to 5.9 percent.

Between 2017 and 202, the IFT initiated eight investigations and imposed sanctions in only one case. It also declared the existence of an economic operator with substantial power in the restricted television and audio service market in various areas of the country.

The IFT authorized 21 economic concentrations, two with conditions.

At the end of the fourth quarter of 2021, 25 million 186,133 restricted television service accesses were reported in the country.

Grupo Televisa

This company participates through its subsidiaries Sky, IZZI, Cablevisión, Televisión Internacional, Cablevisión Red, Cablecom and Cablemás.

Other outstanding companies in the provision of this service were: Grupo Salinas, with a share of 8.7% in 2021 and Stargroup, with 1.1%.


Both the Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) and the IFT have an Investigating Authority to carry out investigations on alleged anti-competitive practices and analyze possible unlawful economic concentrations.

If there are indications, the Technical Secretariat of Cofece or the Economic Competition Unit of the IFT initiate the so-called «proceeding followed in the form of a trial», during which economic operators may present evidence against the allegations presented by the Investigating Authority.

A Plenary of Commissioners resolves the matter and, if applicable, issues the resolution declaring the anticompetitive practice or unlawful concentration, and issues the relevant sanction.

The decisions of the Plenary may be appealed before the courts specialized in economic competition, broadcasting and telecommunications, although the appeal does not suspend the enforcement of the Plenary’s decision.

Las Autoridades Investigadoras inician las investigaciones de oficio, a petición de una parte o a raíz de una solicitud de adhesión al programa de inmunidad.

El Poder Ejecutivo también puede solicitar el inicio de una investigación, por iniciativa propia o a través de la Secretaría de Economía o de la Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor (PROFECO).

Las solicitudes del Poder Ejecutivo tienen «carácter preferente», o sea, se tramitan de manera más expedita.


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