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IFE and Cofece will not disappear: Clouthier

29 enero, 2021
La Cofece de México informó que multó a las empresas Infra y Cryoinfra por incumplir compromisos. Mexico's Cofece reported that it fined Infra and Cryoinfra for failing to comply with commitments.

The Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT) and the Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) will not disappear, said the Secretary of Economy, Tatiana Clouthier, on Friday in a virtual meeting with deputies from Morena.

«There are relevant issues in the T-MEC that have to do with some of the autonomous constitutional bodies. The President of the Republic has said that he has a proposal to send some initiatives for change. I spoke with the President personally and told him that the The Federal Telecommunications Institute and Cofece had in some way a commitment within the T-MEC itself and the President has said that these would not be touched and we would respect what was agreed. I leave it on the table with you for your information,» she said.

The Agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC) shields the continuity of the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT), but not that of the Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece), analysts highlighted.

«It is essential that we know that part and for this I have asked the Undersecretariat (of Foreign Trade), Luz María de la Mora, to coordinate work tables, trainings, and when I say trainings it is to download the information, broken down, so that we know we and we are aware of this and not against avenging what we already decided as a Nation where to go,» added Clouthier.


On December 15, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that he will review the functioning of regulatory bodies, some of these endowed with constitutional autonomy because, in his consideration, they do not have any social function.

“I take this opportunity to raise it, so that we begin to analyze it, the creation of all those devices that have no social function. All these regulatory bodies that they created,” he said then.

Specifically, he referred to Cofece, the IFT, the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) and even the National Commission of the Retirement Savings System (Consar).

If Mexico disappears its autonomous bodies other than the IFT, it would not in itself violate the T-MEC or the Comprehensive and Progressive Treaty of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TIPAT), but it could indirectly do so if it does not comply with certain disciplines on transparency or competition.