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Portada » India leads world anti-dumping measures: WTO

India leads world anti-dumping measures: WTO

6 enero, 2021
India continues to actively resort to anti-dumping measures and is currently the largest user of these measures on the planet, according to a report released by the World Trade Organization (WTO).

India continues to actively resort to anti-dumping measures and is currently the largest user of these measures on the planet, according to a report released by the World Trade Organization (WTO).

During the period 2015-2019 (December 2019), India initiated 233 investigations, which represents a notable increase from the period 2011-2014 (June), in which the number of initiations was 82.

Most of the investigations initiated during the period from 2015 to the end of 2020 concern products from China, followed by those from the Republic of Korea and the EU-28.

By the end of 2019, India had imposed 254 anti-dumping measures. These measures mainly affected chemical products and their manufactures (40.6% of all measures).

The average duration of the anti-dumping measures in force in December 2019 was five years and nine months; however, there are 58 measures – applied mainly to imports from China (45%) – that have been in force for more than 10 years.

Anti-dumping measures

In the period 2015-2020 (January), India initiated 20 countervailing investigations and 11 measures were in force.

As in the case of the anti-dumping measures, most of the measures affected imports from China.

Additionally, India actively resorts to safeguard measures; As of June 2019, it had initiated 46 investigations (12% of all safeguards investigations initiated by WTO Members). There is currently a safeguard measure in place.

Anti-dumping measures, 2015-2019

In order to support domestic production and exports, India continues to offer a number of incentives in the form of direct subsidies and price support programs, tariff concessions or exemptions, or preferential interest rates.

Also, up to 40% of all bank loans should be allocated to «priority sectors», including agriculture, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), education, housing, social infrastructure, renewable energy and exports.

Preferences on public procurement are also granted to national companies.

India continues to maintain price controls, especially for agricultural products, under various mechanisms.

The retail prices of other products are also controlled, such as LPG cylinders, natural gas, fertilizers and medicines.

Price controls are applied primarily to support the agricultural sector, ensure food security, and reduce poverty.