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Portada » Indonesia’s imports rose 27% in the first half

Indonesia’s imports rose 27% in the first half

16 julio, 2021
Las importaciones de Indonesia subieron 27% en forma interanual durante el primer semestre de 2021, a 90,010 millones de dólares, informó la Agencia Central de Estadística. Indonesia's imports rose 27% year-on-year during the first half of 2021, to $ 90.01 billion, the Central Statistical Agency reported.

Indonesia‘s imports rose 27% year-on-year during the first half of 2021, to $ 90.01 billion, the Central Statistical Agency reported.

Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world, with a population of approximately 270.2 million in 2020.

It is also a developing nation of Southeast Asia, distributed in an archipelago of approximately 16,056 islands.

The largest increase in imports of non-oil and gas categories in June 2021 compared to May 2021 was machinery and mechanical equipment of $ 506.7 million (28.3 percent).

Meanwhile, the biggest drop was that of metallic ores, slags and ash with 126.8 million dollars (53.5 percent).

The three largest suppliers of imported products other than oil and gas during January-June 2021 were China, 25.270 million dollars (31.79%), Japan, 6.560 million (8.26%) and South Korea, 4.450 million (5. 60 percent).

Non-oil and gas imports from ASEAN were $ 14.46 billion (18.2%) and from the European Union $ 4.99 billion (6.3 percent).

By category of use of goods, the value of imports from January to June 2021 against the same period of the previous year registered an increase in consumer goods of 1,618 million dollars (22.6%), raw/auxiliary materials of 16,326 million (31%), and capital goods 2,163 million (19.7 percent).

Indonesia’s imports

Despite a contraction in 2020 largely due to the negative impact the Covid-19 outbreak had on domestic demand, Indonesia has enjoyed relatively high economic growth in recent years.

Specifically in May 2021, the value of Indonesian imports reached $ 17.23 billion, this is 21% more compared to May 2021, or a rise of 60.1% compared to June 2020.

External sales

The value of Indonesia’s exports from January to June 2021 reached $ 102.87 billion, an increase of 34.8% over the same period in 2020, as well as non-oil and gas exports that reached $ 97.06 billion, an increase of 34.1 percent.