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Inegi releases International Trade in Services Survey (ECIS) 2021

29 septiembre, 2022
El Inegi de México difundió por primera vez los resultados se obtuvieron de la Encuesta de Comercio Internacional de Servicios (ECIS) 2021. Mexico's Inegi released for the first time the results of the International Trade in Services Survey (ECIS) 2021.

Mexico‘s Inegi released for the first time the results obtained from the International Trade in Services Survey (ECIS) 2021.

The thematic coverage covers manufacturing services in physical inputs owned by others, maintenance and repair services, transportation, charges for the use of intellectual property, telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services, and personal, cultural and recreational services.

In general terms, International Trade in Services (ITS) comprises trade in services in the conventional sense of transactions (exports and imports) between residents and non-residents.

In addition, the term covers services supplied through enterprises established locally but controlled by foreign capital.

The conceptual basis for the compilation, processing and publication of the ECIS 2021 is aligned with international recommendations and best practices expressed mainly in the United Nations Manual on International Trade in Services Statistics (MECIS) 2010, which is aligned with the 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA) and the sixth edition of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6).

Likewise, the ECIS is part of the experimental statistics of Inegi’s Economic Information Subsystem.

International Trade

The target population in the ECIS 2021 are the country’s companies that belong to the large sectors of economic activity (industry, commerce and private non-financial services), according to the North American Industrial Classification System 2018 (SCIAN 2018), and that in the Economic Censuses 2019 (EC 2019) reported some service activity with foreign countries or have some ownership or operational relationship with companies abroad.

The unit of observation in the ECIS 2021 is the enterprise. This is defined as the economic unit that, under a single owner or controlling entity, combines actions and resources to carry out activities of production of goods, purchase and sale of goods or provision of services, whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes. It may consist of one or more establishments.

Also the results can be disaggregated by company size, sector of economic activity and even by partner country and mode of supply.

The information was collected from June 28 to August 13, 2021 and the mode of collection used was via internet.

The reference period (temporal coverage) of the ECIS 2021 is 2019 and 2020.


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