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Interbank Electronic Payment System (SPEI) breaks record in Mexico

25 mayo, 2021
El SPEI batió récord en México, tanto en 2020 en forma anual como en marzo de 2021 de manera mensual, informó el Banco de México. The SPEI broke a record in Mexico, both in 2020 on an annual basis and in March 2021 on a monthly basis, reported the Bank of Mexico.

The Interbank Electronic Payment System (SPEI) broke a record in Mexico, both in 2020 on an annual basis and in March 2021 on a monthly basis, reported the Banco de México .

From 2019 to 2020, the number of operations at SPEI grew 47%, to 1,226 million operations.

Likewise, this indicator stood at 144.88 million operations in March of the current year, a historical maximum.

The SPEI is the most important Mexican payment system, since it processes most of the inter-institutional transfers of funds in the country, in national currency, in terms of number and amount.

In this system, both transfers for large amounts that are mainly made by companies and financial institutions, as well as transfers for low amounts that are carried out by the general public, are processed instantly and securely.

The SPEI is also a central node within the IdMF that allows the neutrality and interoperability of different networks, always considering that the participation requirements are met that ensure that the risks of the system and its participants are mitigated, as well as maintaining adequate levels service for end users.


This allows the system participants to provide more and better payment services to their customers.

Thus, the participation of a greater diversity of institutions in the SPEI reduces the need for intermediaries in the processing of electronic transfers and allows the exchange of resources efficiently and at a lower cost, which leads to greater adoption of the system, being reflected in a greater number of operations.

SPEI operations of less than 8,000 pesos, which constitute the bulk of operations carried out by the general public, had a growth of 72% in relation to the previous year.

On the other hand, at the end of 2020, a total of 84 entities were SPEI participants.

During that year, a new institution was incorporated and, on the contrary, six participants left.

Regarding the system availability index, it was positioned at 99.993%, thanks to the high availability scheme and the different continuity schemes of SPEI.