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Joe Biden secures victory in US elections

13 noviembre, 2020
President-elect Joe Biden secured his victory in the US elections by being the first Democrat to win Georgia since 1992, while the defeated President Donald Trump won North Carolina, according to the last two calls from the network of the presidential race. 2020, reported the American media Politico.

President-elect Joe Biden secured his victory in the US elections by being the first Democrat to win Georgia since 1992, while the defeated President Donald Trump won North Carolina, according to the last two calls from the network of the 2020 presidential race, reported the American media Politico.

The 2020 presidential elections were held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, and were the fifty-ninth United States elections for the country’s Presidency.

Four of the news networks made the screenings on Friday, despite a count in Georgia that has just begun.

But Biden’s current lead of more than 14,000 votes is far greater than any nullified result in a recount, and was deemed insurmountable, according to Politico.

The Georgia win gives Biden 306 electoral votes, matching the amount Trump, who has refused to admit defeat, won in 2016.

US elections

These are the next steps in the elections, according to the US Congress:

November 4 to December 14, 2020: Counting of popular votes and presentation of verification certificates.

After Election Day, states must count and certify popular vote results in accordance with their respective legal and procedural requirements.

When states have completed their vote counting and verified the official results, the United States Code (3 USC§6) requires state governors to prepare, «as soon as possible,» documents known as Certificates of Verification of Voting.

The certificates must include the names of the electors chosen by the voters and the number of votes received in the results of the United States elections, as well as the names of all the elector candidates who lost and the number of votes they received.

Verification certificates, which are typically signed by state governors, must bear the state seal.

A copy is sent to the Archivist of the United States, while six duplicates of the Verification Certificate must be delivered to the voters before December 14, the date on which they meet.

December 8, 2020: «Safe Harbor» Deadline.

The U.S. Code (3 USC §5) states that if the results of the United States elections are contested in any state, and if the state, prior to Election Day, has enacted procedures to resolve controversies or disputes on voters and electoral votes, and if these procedures have been applied and the results have been determined six days before the voters’ meetings, these results are considered conclusive and will be applied in the computation of electoral votes.

This date, known in the United States elections as the «Safe Harbor» deadline, falls on December 8, 2020.

The governor of any state where there was a contest and in which the contest was decided in accordance with established state procedures (3 USC §6) is required to send a certificate describing the manner and manner in which the determination was made to the Archivist as soon as possible.

December 14, 2020: Voters vote in their states.

The Monday after the second Wednesday in December of the United States Presidential Election Years (3 U.S.C.§7) is set as the date that the electors meet and vote.

In 2020, the meeting will be on December 14.

The polling station delegations meet separately in their respective states and the District of Columbia at locations designated by their state legislature.

Voters vote by ballot, casting one vote for president and one for vice president.

Voters count the results and then sign six certificates, each containing two lists, one of which includes the electoral votes for the president, the other the electoral votes for the vice president, each of which includes the names of the people who receive the votes and the number of votes cast by them.

In US elections, these are known as Voting Certificates, which voters must sign.

They then match the six Certificates of Verification provided by the state governors with the Certificates of Voting and sign, stamp, and certify them (3 U.S.C. §§8-10).

The six certificates are then distributed by certified mail as follows: (1) a certificate to the President of the United States Senate (the Vice President); (2) two certificates for the secretary of state (or equivalent official) of the state in which the electors met; (3) two certificates for the Archivist; and (4) a certificate to the judge of the United States district court of the district in which the electors met (3 U.S.C. §11).