6th of March, 2025

Portada » Litio para México and electric vehicles

Litio para México and electric vehicles

12 octubre, 2023
Litio para México e veículos eléctricos

The Mexican government created the company Litio para México, overseen by the Ministry of Energy, in the context of the global electric vehicle boom.

To begin with, the Mexican government pushed for reforms in 2022 with the aim of creating Litio para México (LitioMx), which was created by decree published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF) on 23 August 2022.

The purpose of this company is to explore, exploit and take advantage of lithium, located in national territory, as well as the value chains of this element, which will be reserved to the State.

Litio para México

The Mexican state will develop and manage these reserves through LitioMx, in order to achieve the goals of the energy transition.

From 1 December 2022 to 30 June 2023, the following activities have been carried out, as reported by the Mexican government:

– On 1 December 2022, the Director General of LithiumMx was appointed.

– On 17 March 2023, the «NOTICE informing of the publication of the Organic Statute of Lithium for Mexico» was published in the DOF2/.

– The schedule of activities for a project in the Bacadéhuachi area of Sonora was prepared. In collaboration with the Mexican Geological Survey (SGM), Ministry of Economy and CONAHCYT.

– Collaboration was initiated with CONAHCYT, UNAM and SGM on a study entitled «Regional exploration and identification of a model for the formation of lithium deposits in Sonoran clays».

– Lithium-related meetings have been held with the embassies of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, United States of America, Canada, Norway and Germany.

– LithiumMx was unanimously accepted as a member of the «Permanent Lithium Forum» formed by Argentina, Bolivia and Chile.

Electric vehicles

The Government of Mexico considers lithium to be of strategic importance for Mexico’s Sovereign Energy Transition, as it is one of the critical minerals required for the manufacture of batteries for electric vehicles and energy storage media for the National Electric System.

Its objective is that LitioMx, as a State agency with a social and non-commercial purpose, will rationally exploit Mexico’s lithium, carry out its activities to minimise any environmental and social impact, and serve as the basis for creating a national capital industry that pays taxes in Mexico and provides jobs and wellbeing for Mexican families.