9th of March, 2025

Portada » Logistics: the strategy of The Port of Liverpool

Logistics: the strategy of The Port of Liverpool

12 abril, 2022
La Plataforma Logística Arco Norte (PLAN) es la primera ubicación de El Puerto de Liverpool diseñada con un compromiso de sostenibilidad. The Arco Norte Logistics Platform (PLAN) is the first location of the Port of Liverpool designed with a commitment to sustainability.

The Arco Norte Logistics Platform (PLAN) is the first location of the Port of Liverpool designed with a commitment to sustainability that, in addition to being attached to the LEED certification criteria, will operate with neutrality in water consumption, CO2 emissions and management of waste.


To achieve this, PLAN incorporates the following measures in its operation:


The company has a rainwater harvesting system that fully covers the needs of its operation, mainly cleaning and irrigation.

Likewise, a wastewater treatment plant has a capacity of 215,000 m3 per year, which will allow us to return the treated water to the Xhitey stream.

GHG emissions

The company has planted 20 hectares of green areas with resilient and endemic species of the region, which will capture more than 85,000 kg of CO2 per year, which offsets 1.2 times what is generated by the operation.

In addition, the Port of Liverpool replaced the use of LP gas with electricity and the less emitting sources of this will allow the company to avoid the generation of 1,190 tons of CO2 per year.

Waste and logistics

With its management system, the company separated all the waste that can be reused or recycled to contribute to its goal of contributing zero waste to landfills.

The Port of Liverpool estimates to recycle about 3,100 tons of cardboard per year, among other waste.

On the other hand, PLAN’s first biodigester will have the capacity to process 545 kg of waste per day.

The development of PLAN, its Arco Norte Logistics Platform, continued as planned to start operations for Big Ticket processes in the first half of 2022.

A second stage for Soft Lines is planned for 2024. This new logistics node will be the main enabler of the supply chain’s unified commerce capabilities, designed to deliver the best customer experience in a sustainable manner.

In turn, the Click & Collect operation played a very important role in serving its customers, since the company ended the year with a share of close to 30% of digital sales.


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