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Portada » Magnesium sulfate production grows in Mexico and Pe?oles analyzes expansion

Magnesium sulfate production grows in Mexico and Peñoles analyzes expansion

13 septiembre, 2021
El volumen de la producción de sulfato de magnesio creció 0.6% interanual en México durante 2020, mientras que Peñoles analiza expandir su planta Química del Rey en ese país. The volume of magnesium sulfate production grew 0.6% year-on-year in Mexico during 2020, while Peñoles is considering expanding its Química del Rey plant in that country.

The volume of magnesium sulfate production grew 0.6% year-on-year in Mexico during 2020, while Peñoles is considering expanding its Química del Rey plant in that country.

According to the Mexican Mining Chamber (Camimex), the volume of production in Mexico thus reached 62,584 tons and a value of 227 million pesos.

The main market for this product is for agricultural fertilizer use and to a lesser extent multiple applications for industrial use are grouped.

Also, globally, approximately 80% is required as heptahydrate or epsom salt, although there are also applications for magnesium sulfate monohydrate and anhydrous.

In 2020, world production was approximately 1.1 million tons. Mexico ranks third behind China and Spain.

At the same time, Química del Rey’s magnesium sulfate production in 2020 was 62,583 tons, a level similar to 2019.

Magnesium sulfate 

According to data from Camimex, in a period of 20 years, it happened in 2020 that only five minerals presented record productions: manganese carbonate, dolomite, molybdenum, magnesium sulfate, as well as mining-metallurgical copper.

In general, according to Inegi data, the total value of the national production of non-metallic minerals in 2020 was 16,952 million pesos, an increase of 2.5% compared to 2019.

The production of non-metallic minerals represents 6% of the total value of mining-metallurgical production (281,515 million pesos), a level similar to that of 2018 and 2019.

In terms of production value, in 2020, only 10 of the 16 minerals that make up this group had annual increases: kaolin (87.4%), dolomite (67.7%), diatomite (55.7%), barite (21.7%), feldspar (4.6%), magnesium sulfate (3.7%), salt (3.4%), celestite (3.3%), phosphorite (1.8%) and gypsum (0.9 percent).

The rest of the non-metallic minerals reported falls in the value of production compared to 2019: sulfur (35.7%), wollastonite (24%), fluorite (23.6%), silica sand (5.9%), sodium sulfate (4.1%) and graphite (4.0 percent).