13th of March, 2025

Portada » Main suppliers of Ambev juices

Main suppliers of Ambev juices

7 marzo, 2022
Los principales proveedores de jugos de la empresa brasileña Ambev son Louis Dreyfus Commodities, Cutrale, Citrus Juice, Litoral Citrus y San Miguel. The main suppliers of juices to the Brazilian company Ambev are Louis Dreyfus Commodities, Cutrale, Citrus Juice, Litoral Citrus and San Miguel.

Ambev’s main juice suppliers are Louis Dreyfus Commodities, Cutrale, Citrus Juice, Litoral Citrus and San Miguel.

Orange, lemon, grape, apple and other juices used in Ambev’s carbonated soft drinks and juices are purchased in Brazil.

The company also uses lemon and grapefruit juices in its carbonated soft drinks in Argentina and Uruguay.

The company purchases all of the fruit juice, pulp, and concentrate used in the manufacture of its fruit-flavored carbonated soft drinks.

Broadly speaking, Ambev is the largest brewer in Latin America in terms of sales volume and one of the largest beer producers in the world.

The company currently produces, distributes and sells beer, carbonated soft drinks, other alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic and non-carbonated products in 18 countries in the Americas.

Juice suppliers

The company has a concentrate plant in northern Brazil that produces the concentrates to meet its requirements for the production of its proprietary brand Guaraná Antarctica, among others.

Ambev buys PepsiCo. the concentrate for Pepsi soft drink products.

Malt is widely available and Ambev’s requirements are met by national and international suppliers, as well as its own six malthouses.

In the case of its beer operations in Brazil, approximately 80% of its malt needs are supplied by its own malthouses located in southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.

For the rest of their needs, their most important malt supplier is the Cooperativa Agroindustrial Agraria in Brazil.

Market prices for malt are volatile and depend on the quality and production level of the barley crop around the world, as well as the intensity of demand.

Ambev buys barley for its malthouses directly from farmers in South America.

Barley prices depend on local winter crop markets, wheat market prices on major trading exchanges around the world, and the quality of the barley at harvest.

Beverage sales in their markets are seasonal.

In general, sales are strongest during the summer and major holidays.

Therefore, in the southern hemisphere (Brazil, Central America and the Caribbean, and South Latin America) volumes tend to be stronger in the fourth quarter due to the early summer and year-end festivities.

In Canada, volumes are strongest in the second and third calendar quarters due to the summer season.


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