15th of March, 2025

Portada » Mango exports from Mexico increased 30% from January to April

Mango exports from Mexico increased 30% from January to April

1 junio, 2021
Las exportaciones de mango de México crecieron a una tasa interanual de 30.3% de enero a abril de 2021, a 108,700 toneladas. Mango exports from Mexico grew at a year-on-year rate of 30.3% from January to April 2021, to 108,700 tons.

Mango exports from Mexico grew at a year-on-year rate of 30.3% from January to April 2021, to 108,700 tons.

Regarding their value, these mango exports totaled 127.1 million dollars, an advance of 57.8 percent.

According to the FAO, during the Covid-19 pandemic, in many producing countries, delays related to quarantine at ports and borders, as well as extreme shortages of reefer containers and cargo capacity on passenger planes, have slowed down trade, while market closures have interrupted producers’ access to distribution points characterized by a relatively high coefficient of local and national labor.

As a result, there were many reports of products remaining unsold and wasted, particularly in the case of less marketed and more perishable mangoes and papayas, as well as pineapples.

Mango exports

At the global level, in the case of the product group consisting of mangoes, mangosteen and guava, the data available from FAO indicates a contraction in exports of 4.9% during the period between January and July 2020, compared with the same period of 2019, up to a total of 1.2 million tons.

The significant reduction in mangosteen shipments from Thailand to China, together with the decrease in mango exports from Mexico to the United States and from Brazil to the European Union, fundamentally explain this decrease.

In the main import markets, a considerable part of the mangoes is consumed outside the home, which makes the widely applied containment measures related to Covid-19 particularly harmful for this fruit, the most traded in this group of products.

In addition, the world trade in mangoes, mangosteens and guavas showed greater vulnerability to the adverse effects of the pandemic because they are highly perishable and sensitive during transport, together with the fact that a large part of exports is transported by air.

All in all, Mexico’s mango, mangosteen and guava exports totaled 421,600 tons in 2020, an increase of 2% year-on-year.

In value, these external sales were for 457 million dollars, an annual increase of 4%.