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Portada » Mexican corn imports break record in 2021

Mexican corn imports break record in 2021

10 enero, 2022
Os 10 maiores produtores de milho: projeções

Mexican imports of corn from Mexico from January to November 2021 totaled 4.731 million dollars, which already implies a record for all of 2021, according to data from the Bank of Mexico.

In all of 2020, Mexican corn imports were $ 3.09 billion.

The previous historical maximum occurred in 2018, when Mexico’s external purchases were 3,289 million dollars.

In addition to the United States, a highly concentrated source of Mexican corn imports, Mexico imports this grain from Brazil and Argentina.

For now, the Mexican government announced that Mexico would not limit imports of GM corn from the United States.

Following an executive order at the end of last year that sought to ban the use of transgenic corn for human consumption within three years, the Mexican government specified last October that the country will not allow the cultivation of transgenic corn, but will allow imports from the United States.

Going forward, US corn exports are forecast at $ 17 billion, down $ 100 million from the August estimate issued by the USDA, due to lower unit values ​​despite larger volumes.

Also the USDA expects US corn to be competitive until new crop supplies from South America hit the market in early 2022.

Mexican corn imports

Until October 2021, since the beginning of that same year, Mexico’s corn imports were 14.4 million tons, a year-on-year drop of 10.5 percent.

This last data reflects inflation in corn, in a context in which, in general terms, the prices of raw materials in the world rose sharply, especially those related to energy.

The Mexican Biosafety Law and its Regulations are designed to promote the safe use of modern biotechnology and prevent and control the possible risks associated with the use and application of biotechnological products for human, plant and animal health, and environmental well-being.


Mexico does not make a distinction between food and feed approvals and Cofepris is in charge of approving genetically modified products for consumption.

From 1995 to 2018, La Cofepris approved 181 genetically modified basic products for food and feed.

For consumption authorizations, the Biosafety Law established that the Ministry of Health through Cofepris has a maximum of 6 months to issue a sentence after receiving the complete application. The list of applications received must be published in the National Biosafety Registry (NRB) of Mexico. Since May 2018, Cofepris has not published new approvals for transgenic feed or food applications.

On December 31, 2020, Mexico published a decree in the Official Gazette of the Federation calling to eliminate the use of glyphosate and transgenic corn for human consumption in Mexico.

The decree states that transgenic corn and glyphosate will be phased out over the next three years and replaced by «sustainable and culturally appropriate» alternatives. During the transition period, glyphosate will not be used in any government sponsored programs.

In addition, according to the decree, any cancellation of approvals of existing genetically modified organisms or the non-approval of new applications for genetically modified corn must be transparent, based on science and must consider the self-sufficiency status of Mexico’s corn in the corn production.

Currently, Mexico imports about 40% of its total corn needs. According to the decree of December 31, transgenic corn for human consumption will be eliminated no later than January 31, 2024.


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