14th of March, 2025

Portada » Mexican exports recover market share in the US

Mexican exports recover market share in the US

3 septiembre, 2020
Os 8 anos de exportações da China para os EUA e a Seção 301

Mexican exports to the United States registered a value of 29.088 million dollars in July, a decrease of 3.3% year-on-year, the Census Bureau reported.

This amount, however, represents 14.5% of total United States foreign merchandise purchases and a gain in market share, given that total United States imports had a greater drop in the month, of 8.2 percent.

In this way, the market shrunk and the slice of Mexico grew.

From another angle, this market share of Mexico, of 14.5%, was greater than that registered in the same month of the previous year, of 13.7 percent.

Mexico was the first commercial partner of the United States in the average of all 2019, a position that it maintained in the first three months of the current year; but their trade collapsed in April and May and gradually recovered in June and July.

Mexico’s market share in United States imports continued to rise for the second consecutive month, after registering 9.1% in May and 14.4% in June.

With this, Mexico is approaching the portion it achieved last year in the accumulated period. From January to July 2019, its market share in US imports of products was 14.4%, while in the same period of 2020 it was 13.5 percent.

Mexican exports 

Mexico’s exports to the US market were for $ 173.144 million from January to July 2020, a decrease of 17.4% year-on-year.

Mexico is the second external supplier of products in the United States market, with China in the first place.

In all of 2019, Mexico’s exports to its northern neighbor totaled 357,970.8 million dollars.

Mexican exports have shown some recovery due to the reopening of the US economy.