10th of March, 2025

Portada » Mexican exports rise 16% in April

Mexican exports rise 16% in April

25 mayo, 2022
Expedientes administrativos por causa penal en materia de comercio exterior. Administrative files for criminal proceedings in foreign trade matters. Dossiers administratifs des poursuites pénales en matière de commerce extérieur. Processos administrativos de processos criminais em matéria de comércio exterior.

Mexico‘s exports registered a year-on-year growth of 16% in April, to 47,479.5 million dollars, reported the Inegi.

Conversely, its imports rose 25.7%, to 49,363.5 million dollars.

Consequently, the country’s trade balance had a deficit of 1,884.1 million dollars.

Global economic activity remained resilient in early 2022, with survey data indicating that the Omicron variant of the coronavirus (Covid-19) may have only a short-lived impact on advanced economies.

Mexico's exports registered a year-on-year growth of 16% in April, to 47,479.5 million dollars, reported the Inegi.

However, according to the European Central Bank, the war between Russia and Ukraine and the new measures related to the pandemic in Asia are expected to weigh on the world economy and cause new shortages of materials and inputs.

The geopolitical situation and the pandemic are also acting as a drag on trade. At the same time, the belated easing of supply chain disruptions and the economic impact of the war are likely to intensify global inflationary pressures.

In this context, the value of Mexico’s merchandise exports in April 2022 was 47,479 million dollars, an amount 16% higher than that of the same month in 2021.

This rate was the result of expansions of 12.4% in non-oil exports and 81.3% in oil exports.

Within non-oil exports, those directed to the United States advanced 14.8% at the annual rate, while those channeled to the rest of the world did so by 2%.

Mexico Exports

The value of agricultural and fishery exports in the fourth month of the current year was 2,075 million dollars, an annual expansion of 14.2%. The most important advances were recorded in exports of raw coffee beans (86.7%), citrus fruits (50.4%), peppers (49.7%), fresh legumes and vegetables (16.7%) and avocados (9.1 percent). .

In contrast, the most relevant annual reductions occurred in exports of cattle (41.5%) and fresh strawberries (9.7 percent).

In turn, extractive exports stood at 729 million dollars, with an annual rise of 14.2 percent.

In the period January-April 2022, the value of total exports totaled 179,532 million dollars, an annual growth of 17.4 percent.

This rate was derived from increases of 15.1% in non-oil exports and 60.1% in oil exports.


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