11th of March, 2025

Portada » Mexican Ministry of Economy prepares quota to import beef

Mexican Ministry of Economy prepares quota to import beef

24 junio, 2021
Cuatro empresas controlan el mercado de carne de Estados Unidos, destacó el presidente Joe Bide. Four companies control the US meat market, noted President Joe Biden.

The Mexican Ministry of Economy is preparing a quota to import 7,000 tons of beef, which is under review at Conamer.

The quota will be assigned under the direct allocation mechanism in its modality of “First in time, First in law”.

Likewise, the Ministry of Economy indicated that the direct allocation procedure will be carried out according to the following criteria:

1.- The amount to be issued will be the lesser of:

a) The quantity requested.

b) The amount indicated on the commercial invoice.

c) 2,000 tons.

d) The balance of the quota.

2.- For subsequent quota assignments, the total exercise of at least one of the assignments previously granted must be accredited, attaching a copy of the corresponding import requests.

The period of the quota to import beef, under the tariff-quota will be December 31, 2021.

Ministry of Economy

The quotas are nominative, non-transferable and non-extendable.

Its validity will be 60 calendar days from the date of issue, or December 31, 2021, whichever occurs first.

In addition, the balances not exercised at the end of the term of the quota certificate will be integrated into the quota balance to be reallocated during the term of the quota.

The beneficiaries of the quota must present within a maximum period of twenty business days, counted from the date of their authorization, a copy of the bill of lading, air waybill or waybill, corresponding to the authorized amount, otherwise their certificate will be canceled.

For this, the Ministry of Economy will issue the quota certificate no later than two business days following the date of entry of the application.

The information regarding the evolution of the requests and authorizations referred to in this Agreement will be published in the Transparency section available on the SNICE electronic portal, on this website.


The National Consumer Price Index for beef presented annualized monthly inflation rates, with rates higher than those observed since 2017, in the period December 2020-April 2021 (5.4% in December 2020; 6.0% in January, 6.9% in February, 8.0% in March and 8.3% in April 2021).

The foregoing was mainly due to the reduction in availability due to the growth of beef exports to the United States, the fall in the level of imports and pressure from the increase in the price of corn.

To conclude, the aforementioned tariff-quota was established in order to have mechanisms that allow timely action in situations that may affect the availability and access to the aforementioned product, to guarantee supply and protect the income of Mexican families.