9th of March, 2025

Portada » Mexico authorizes 58 TIF establishments for exports

Mexico authorizes 58 TIF establishments for exports

6 septiembre, 2022
Importações projetadas de carne de aves para o México

Mexico authorized 58 TIF establishments to export to 14 countries from September 2021 to June 2022.

For reference: a TIF establishment is a facility subject to regulation by the Secretariat of Agriculture (Sedar), where animals are slaughtered and goods of animal origin for human consumption are processed, packaged, refrigerated or industrialized.

Sedar authorized these 58 TIF establishments, enabling them to export sheep, goat, swine, bovine, poultry (chicken and turkey) and apiculture meat products to Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Panama, Nicaragua, Canada, the United States, Chile, the European Union, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Angola, Liberia and Saudi Arabia.

As of June 2022, 790 export authorizations had been granted through 163 TIF establishments, which are authorized to export to at least one country; in other words, an establishment may be authorized to export to more than one country.

Through TIF establishments, Mexico has exported a total of 282,259.31 tons of poultry, apiculture, bovine, swine, equine, goat, sheep and combined products to the different countries with which it has trade agreements.

TIF establishments

The three main destination countries were the United States (48%), Japan (34%), China (7%) and the rest of the world (11%).

Regarding the authorization of veterinarians, from September 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, 359 authorizations were issued to carry out inspection work in TIF establishments.

As of June 30, 2022, the TIF system has 813 authorized doctors working in the 460 active establishments.

Sedar also granted 18 TIF Certifications, as well as 55 extensions and 16 renewals. As of June 30, 2022, the TIF system has 460 active establishments in 28 Mexican states (except Guerrero, Morelos, Nayarit and Oaxaca).

  • The main slaughtering states by species are:
  • Poultry: Jalisco, Durango and Yucatán.
  • Bovine: San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa and Durango.
  • Swine: Sonora, Yucatán and Jalisco.
  • Goats: Nuevo Leon, State of Mexico and Puebla.
  • Turkey: Yucatan.
  • Sheep: Guanajuato, State of Mexico and Queretaro.
  • Equine: Zacatecas, Chihuahua and Coahuila de Zaragoza.


As a result of the publication of the Agreement establishing the Computerized Traceability System for Agricultural, Aquaculture and Fishing Commodities (SITMA), work was completed on developing the computerized system for the beef cattle chain, The information contained in SENASICA‘s internal computer systems (SINAMOPE, AMTIF, SIPVI, AMDH, VUCEM, SINACERTWEB) was integrated to provide information on the movement of bovine animals, products and byproducts for domestic movement, import and export.

The RUE (Registro Único de Establecimientos) was also developed, which will allow all livestock, plant, aquaculture and fishery production units to have a standardized key to carry out any procedure before SENASICA, achieving geo-referencing of all production units regulated by SENASICA.


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