9th of March, 2025

Portada » Mexico can export food preparations with meat pieces to the U.S.

Mexico can export food preparations with meat pieces to the U.S.

5 septiembre, 2022
México abrió el mercado para exportación de preparaciones alimenticias con trozos de carne (porcino y bovino) y manteca porcina a Estados Unidos. Mexico has opened the market for the export of food preparations containing pieces of meat (pork and beef) and pork lard to the United States.

Mexico opened the market for the export of meat and combined meat products (beef and pork), food preparations with meat pieces (pork and beef) and pork lard to the United States of America.

Mexico also opened the following markets: honey to the State of Kuwait; food preparation with meat content, as well as the inclusion of the use of imported raw material for the export of pork products to the Republic of Chile; bovine meat and meat products to Taiwan; imported pork pellets and bovine tallow (industrial use) to the Republic of Guatemala; and imported butterfat and apiculture products to the Republic of Costa Rica.

In the case of live animals, another opening corresponded to various wildlife specimens (birds, felines, new world porcupine, eretizontids), sloths, bears (Ursidae) and anteaters (mimercophagidae) to the Republic of India.

In addition, according to the Secretariat of Agriculture, the Mexican government discharged 14 generic combinations and updated requirements for 29 livestock commodities.

Food preparations and livestock sector

From September 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, Mexico exported to the United States a total of 718,025 head of cattle for fattening purposes (590,512 males and 127,513 females) from the states of Chihuahua, Sonora, Durango, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, Veracruz and Campeche, which met the animal health requirements of the U.S. health authorities, generating an estimated 11,644 million pesos.

Likewise, the Republic of Cuba, through its National Center for Animal Health (CENASA), renewed the authorization of a company to export balanced feed for animal consumption (aquaculture) to that country and granted a new company the authorization to export the aforementioned goods, favoring the marketing of more than 6,400 tons of feed for consumption by aquaculture species.

With regard to imports, Mexico continued to monitor and follow up on cases of health emergencies for highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) and African swine fever in European Union countries, as well as AI in Canada and the United States to modify the animal health requirements for entry into Mexico or prohibit the import of goods considered to be of high animal health risk.

Mexico continues to communicate with the various authorities of Central American countries to move forward with negotiations on the importation into Mexico of cattle for terminal fattening and immediate slaughter.


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