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Portada » Mexico publishes list of panelists for the USMCA

Mexico publishes list of panelists for the USMCA

2 julio, 2020
The government of Mexico released this Thursday the list of panelists who will be able to settle dispute resolution cases under the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (USMCA).

The government of Mexico released this Thursday the list of panelists who will be able to settle dispute resolution cases under the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (USMCA).

First of all, the list of Panelists for Chapter 31 panels, for State-State dispute settlement, is made up of: Kevin Banks, Julie Bédard, Ujal Sihgh Bhatia, Susan G. Braden, John J. Buckley Jr., Kathleen Claussen, E.F. Mano DeAyala, Dennis Devaney, Victoria J. Donaldson, Elaine Feldman, Mateo Diego Fernández, Serge Frechette, Christian Haberli, Mark C. Hansen, Jennifer Hillman, Valerie Hughes, David Hurtado Badiola, Jean E. Kalicki, Matthew Kronby, Celine Levesque, Miguel Mayorga Martínez, Hugo Perezcano Díaz, Ricardo Ramírez Hernández, Ann Ryan Robertson, Elbio Oscar Rosselli Frieri, Koji Saito, Christopher Thomas, Stephen P. Vaughn, Carlos Vejar and Roberto Zapata Barradas.

This mechanism would allow any of the three Parties to file a claim against another Party that is allegedly violating its obligations in the T-MEC.

Chapter 31, which is substantially based on the NAFTA Chapter 20 mechanism, applies to most of the Parties’ T-MEC obligations, but there are exceptions.

For example, Article 32.12 exempts certain revised investment decisions under Canada’s Investment Law from Chapter 31. In addition, the T-MEC includes more complex enforcement provisions for some of its chapters, including the Environment and Labor Chapters.


The list of panelists from Mexico for Chapter 10 (Commercial Remedies) is made up of: Gustavo Báez López, Álvaro Baillet, Sac Nicte Castilla, Itziar Esparza Mejía, Úrsula García Sam, Mariano Gomezperalta, David Hurtado Badiola, Ramiro Alberto Lerin Mestas, Luis Malpica De Lamadrid, Miguel Mayorga Martínez, Jorge Miranda Meave, Armando Fausto Ortega Gomez, Linda Pasquel Peart, Juan Carlos Partida Poblador, Ruperto Patiño Manffer, Lucía Reina Antuña, Luz Elena Reyes de la Torre, Carlos Humberto Reyes Díaz, Hugo Gabriel Romero Martínez , Alejandro Sánchez Arriaga, Gustavo Alejandro Uruchurtu Chavarín, Mario Eduardo Valencia Concha, José Manuel Vargas Menchaca, Gustavo Florentino Vega Cánovas and Carlos Véjar Borrego.

Labor sphere

The lists of Mexico-United States rapid response labor panelists are integrated as follows:

Mexican nationals: Graciela Irma Bensusán Areous, Antonio Enrique Larios Díaz, Pablo Vicente Monroy Gómez, Luis Monsalvo Álvarez, Sergio Pallares y Lara and Lorenzo de Jesús Roel Hernández.

U.S. Nationals: Janice R. Bellace, Lance Compa, Peter J. Hurtgen, Ira F. Jaffe, Kevin Kolben, and Edward E. Potter.

List of non-nationals: Adolfo Alberto Ciudad Reynaud, Gary Cwitco Salvador Del Rey Guanter, Cleopatra Elmira Doumbia-Henry, Pablo Lazo Grandi and Paul van der Heijden.

In turn, the lists of Mexico-Canada rapid response labor panelists were as follows:

Mexican nationals: Carlos De Buen Unna, Raquel Serrano Cruz, Rafael Sánchez-Navarro Caraza, Alfredo Kupfer Domínguez and Porfirio Marquet Guerrero.

Canadian Nationals: Kevin Banks, Adelle Blackett, Errol Patrick Mendes, Mark Rowlinson and Christopher James Albertyn.

List of non-nationals: Kathleen E. Claussen, Jennifer A. Hillman, Catharine Titi, María Rosina Rossi Albert, Jorge Juan Guillén Olcina and Francisco de Asís Pérez De los Cobos Orihuel.

